Southern Indiana Under Water?


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Mike McKnight

Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2005
So I'm looking at pictures of flooding in Southern Indiana on yesterday and besides the obvious concern for those that have been flooded out.... I couldn't help but wonder if Evansville is even going to be raceable for the Unlimiteds in a couple weeks. Are you guys in Indiana underwater or are you floating on furniture or what back there? Are the pictures I'm seeing showing an accurate story or is it worse than that?
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So I'm looking at pictures of flooding in Southern Indiana on yesterday and besides the obvious concern for those that have been flooded out.... I couldn't help but wonder if Evansville is even going to be raceable for the Unlimiteds in a couple weeks. Are you guys in Indiana underwater or are you floating on furniture or what back there? Are the pictures I'm seeing showing an accurate story or is it worse than that?
Im sure if all that water comes south between the high water and trash in it the Unlimited race could be moved to another date. Right now we are good 40 miles north did not fare so well. Sand bags up north ........
I have footage of that race in years past and it seems like there is always high water and debris to deal with but geez I can't see how they would possibly be able to pull off that race on time this year. Even Madison has had it's issues with high water and debris but we're talking about houses that all that is showing is the top 3 feet of the roof....
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