Some news from OER


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Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2002
Hey Guys. As some of you already know, I have had, and will be having, a lot going on. About 2 months ago I was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer. Since that point, I have been to many doctors, specialist's, surgeons, 2nd opinions and just about anyone else to do with medicine and treatment. Thyroid problems run deep on my mothers side of the family, with my Sister, Uncle, and Grandmother all having problems of some sort with their thyroids, with me being the worst of the bunch with cancer.

Most of us have had thoughts of cancer, and what we would do, but its much different than I "imagined". I have been told by doctors that the type of cancer I have is the "best" cancer one could have and should have a 100% recovery with removal of my entire thyroid gland and cancerous tissues surrounding it. While this is great news, there will always be doubt of total removal. Since this diagnosis, many things on my schedule have had to change and/or be romoved. I have also recently started taking a very aggressive medicine that will hopefully shrink the tissue and make it easier for the surgeon to remove, but it is taking its toll on my energy, ambition, and normally positive outlook. Its taken the wind out of my sails so to speak.

I had plans to go visist my family in late October for a few weeks, but that has now been moved forward a few weeks and I will be heading to the states next Wednesday. I will be getting back to Germany on the 14th of Oct, and will then be admitted to the hospital here on the 17th for the surgery. I will be in the hospital no less than 4-5 days. As you can see by the dates, this only leaves very precious little time to get things done for OER, not to mention everything else that happens in day to day life.

I have engines, props, and lots of other things to get finished and out before I leave to go to the states. I also have things on order or backorder for people that have not come in yet, and will most likely not come in before I go. I ask for your patience while this stuff sorts itself out. I have everything written down or on file, and nothing has slipped through the cracks to this point, and I dont intend to let it start now. I have been told to expect a 2 week down time for recovery, so this would put me being back to the swing of things around the first of November. While I am in the states, I will not be able to do anything related to OER work, and will have very limited internet access. The time I am in the states will be spent with my family, as they are slightly freaked out, understandably so. I will be at the Charleston race atleast one of the days, although I am unsure at this point which day, to visit friends.

Thanks for the well wishes from the guys who already knew. If I can give any advice from this learning experience, it would be to go to the doctor now and have yourself checked out. This condition was found during a routine physical exam at the military hospital here. My doctor found lumps in my throat that I had not noticed, or not thought twice about. I am 28 years old, and this stuff is only supposed to happen to old guys.....NOT.

If you have questions about something you have ordered, feel free to EMAIL me. My PM box stays full, but my email has pleanty of room.

I will be sending out a few PM replys and Emails that have come through, but have to get my truck in working order before I leave so that is taking my time right this moment.

WOW!!! ;) :( :( :( :eek: :eek: :eek:

Dood im really sorry to hear about that! I wish you a speedy recovery and hope everything goes well!! :)

Old buddy,

thats a lot there you been telling us. And you will have to go through some stuff as well.

For now try to look at the bright side, as you said yourself, this a mostly a cancer that can be treated very well. Lookes like the doctors cought it in a early stage.

Go for a positive and good recovery.

Ronald. I mentioned previously, get well and stay there! There's plenty of positive energy about you on this forum to keep you going in the interim! ;)

hey james

sorry to hear about this mate i wish you all the best hope for quick recovery

my wife and will say prayer for you at church take all the time you need to

get better bud

kind regards ian
Hey James,

That's pretty shitty.

I'm glad it's caught early enough for it to be manageable.

You'll be on a lot of minds around here wishing you well and

I'm sure the boating gods are with you too, so get well buddy.

And if there's anything I can do to help out, you know where to find me.

Good luck!
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james, we talked yesterday, don't forget what i said/offered. concentrate on you right now. i know you well enough to know your sense of obligation to your customers might get in the way of taking care of YOU. i also believe that nobody will get upset if you don't get stuff done as quickly as usual. the chemo is the hardest part of this. it WILL take a lot from you. keep your chin up, and don't let it. that part is mind over matter. let medical science take care of the rest. you and your family are in my thoughts constantly.


James , The Family and I are praying for you . I'm sure you'll come out just fine . The "Toy Boat " stuff is the least of the worries at the moment. Enjoy the family and we'll look forward meeting up again at the tunnel championships next March . Good Luck and hope you have a speedy recovery.

The Ritchie Family
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get well soon mate. Don't forget the most important thing, and that's to look after yourself. Toy boats can wait. I'm sure everyone can understand that.

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Although I do not know you personally, I am glad that you have chosen to share your current situation with your model boating family. And as you will find out, if you don't already know it, it truely is a family. This has been a trying year for me personally, from a medical perspective, also. The emails, the cards, letters, phone calls and people just stopping by the house to visit have been such a boost for me to get better. This will happen to you also, my friend...............your model boating family will always be there for you, and you will be in our thoughts and prayers every day. We wish you nothing but the best in the days ahead.

Dick Tyndall
wow,what a shocker!! just remember to keep your head up, & don`t lose your sense of humor. you`ve got a bright future ahead of you. your friend........CARTER
Wheeeeew! James O'l Buddy,

Listen you can beat this, I mean it, Anyone who has the nads to launch a fuel bike, Can get through this too.

Dont you give up! We are all pulling for you here in Missouri ;)

Get Well,

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Thumbs Up! Gabe, you got this buddy,ain't nothing but a thing Be Strong and you will succeed, Your in my prayers

Your buddy Steve H. P.S> I'll see ya in Charleston Dude!!!