Some days it pays to have the camera


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Andy Greene

Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2006
I had some time to kill today so I went out to Ballast Point, something told me to take the camera and it was worthwhile if you are into wildlife. Georganna got a couple good shots in to as the sun went down. The young Osprey eating dinner literally let me get within 3 feet of him while he ate- awesome stuff B) Been in S.Fla all my life and have NEVER been this close to one in the wild. The Black Racer was sitting in the Pine tree on the back porch when we got home- I got in his mug too- :eek: :p :p

There is a video of the Osprey from close up - best I could do with what we had- was killer till the KC-135 from the base came home.

I put it all in my photobucket account- here's the link.


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It was cool to watch the Osprey have dinner. I could not believe how close he let you get.
Aint florida wonderful. When we ran out at Cow Beach (a.k.a. Babson Park) there were three Bald Eagles that would sit in this dead tree and fish, and we could be within a cars length of the tree without a issue. That was before all of the android cameras everyone has now, and after the hurricane cycle of 04-05 they moved.Ottos house has those big Sandhill Cranes, and they will eat from your hand. And what about BMB's 8+footer, that you can roll up in the retreive boat and slap him on the head with your hand..And you wonder why there are so many soccer balls in the boat pond. :rolleyes:
Lets not forget Little John Otter :rolleyes: at the same lake, thats if the big boy gator didnt get him yet.

He sat near the launch one day- rolled on his back/front paws crossed on his chest/ in the water just watching us kinda like 'WHATS UP FELLAS' -

was awesome.

The BlackRacer -


Osprey from less than 3ft away :eek: Thought for sure he was gonna get pissed and fly at me.....

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Dinner Time -


Video - (click the pic) KC135 picked a bad time to return to Macdill

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