Snowman Prop Testing on Dragons


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Kris Flynn

Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2002
a quick couple of videos to show the magic that Brian does.

A quick background...I have been running an M445 I modded and was very happy with the speeds I was getting (56-60MPH) and 150ish amps average. I asked Brian to do me a propellor which was the new style 1715.

This new prop gained me around 8-12MPH with the same amp draw!

The boat did need to be trimmed in to be able to use this extra speed, but it was awesome to see that's for sure.

M445 prepped by me

1715 prepped by Snowman
Hey Mic,


M11 Dragon Pro Built
Lawless lower with dragon mods (pic in my gallery)
Neu 1515 1y (2200KV)
Castle ESC

Christian, I will see what I can do...the new 1715 prop looks wicked and I didn't think it would work, let alone work so well.

Brian is the MAN (OK, Andy is too) would be silly not to give him a go

Thanks Shawn, it is awesome to see for sure! especially when I first swapped to the new prop, it rode so high and just looked SWEET! Flipped it though haha

EDIT: Thanks Paul!
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Oh Darin ,

i think he will close his propshop and Brian has a good chance to get a job in the President Trump minister league .

Happy Amps Christian
Hi Kris,

we never stop learning and good to have teachers like Brian and Andy sharing know how . I bet your prop will perform totally different with an other type of boat ,oval monohull ,give it a try. And no quest ,Brian is a top performer.

Happy Amps Christian
Hi Kris,

I bet your prop will perform totally different with an other type of boat ,oval monohull ,give it a try. And no quest ,Brian is a top performer.

Happy Amps Christian
Funny you say that Christian, Otto lent me a LeFlure prop for a 40 tunnel one day that was something I would have never tried on my 40 mono.

Boat (mono) picked up 4-6mph and milled much better. Ya never know till ya try
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