I've built several 4-cell riggers, and I've held numerous SAW records with them. Using 05 motors and sub-C cells, the 4-cell rigger should be about the same size as a 6-cell rigger. Mine measure about 20"-21" long and 10"-11" wide. A 19-turn motor is pretty mild for a 4-cell boat, you'll not be going very fast but should have good run time. A better choice for sport would be 10 - 12 turns. Expect speeds around 25-30 with a good setup. For max speed, a 7 or 8-turn will work, but you will not be able to run for long. With my geared setup, a 5-turn 05 made numerous passes right at 53 mph.
The boat will need to be built light - mine have weighed 27-29 ounces ready to run. The sponsons will need a high angle of attack, the flex cable or wire drive will need to be very drag-free, the power wires will need to be very short. Props for the 19-turn will be x435, y535, 1735. For a 10-turn, an x432, x435, 1732. Watch for heat, and don't do the noob stunt of running the boat until the pack dumps the first time out. :blink: