Sirio .15?


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1/2 the reason i like .12 riggers is because of the inexpensive engines. but now the best .12's are priced like the .21's are! it's kinda ridiciolus!

anyways Sirio makes a 15.... it's real cheap at $169 and i would think (hope) it would have simmilar power to the high dollar .12's it is rated very high by RC Nitro

it comes with a threaded crank and a rotary carb! what more could a boater ask for!

anyone try it? what did you think?

see it at tower


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I have one, not sure about it yet. Seems like lots of RPM no low end. I think if I had a heavier flywheel it would launch better.

really... that's good to know!

what flywheel did you use?

how do you think it compares to a nova rossi?

i'm really thinking of getting one for my next project so any info is appreciated!

i really don't want to shell out $300 + for the hot 12 nova rossi
The inside of the motor is sweet, it seems to have all the mods. I am wondering if the mac pipe is too small. I got a CF pipe from down under but haven't tried it yet. I used a small aluminum flywheel. I don't know how it compares to the Nova Rossi.

I wont spend more than 150 for a .12 kinda screws up the whole idea.

so what gives MikeP? I mean looking at the test result from the website tom posted it looks like a sweet little engine with enough bottom end to pull.


or you think it is just your pipe and flywheel that loses that power?
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THey put these engines in the Tmaxxs tooo.

The pullstart version, Same thing.

Now i have heard, they like the sirio PIPE, I dont know if you can adapted it.

But also heard runs good with a R5 plug and 30%. That was what i saw in a maxx.

they scream high end, and beleive they have the low end to launch it.

Glenn Q was not happy with his. i see they have a new one the evo2 5 port now. is that the one you have for 169?
Hey, thanks for posting that chart, very informative. I think I could use some advise on getting this motor setup. How ever I don't think I have enough time on it to get it broke in.

Anyone have a good idea of how high we are running these .12 engines as far as RPM's are concerned?

I found that my small block engines dont want to unwind with an X-Series style prop.

Would a high slip prop be better?
If your sure it is the S12TUPAF aka the Sirio .12 - 5 port 'EVO 2' for $169 I'll take one!

Don't suppose you can set mine up like yours ;)

Let me know, drop me an email with payment info [email protected]

Yep,thats the motor I have right now. The distributor has them in stock,will get some in.
