Single rear sponson angle? hammerhead sponsons..


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Active Member
Jul 19, 2002
Hi Guys..

Im searching the sites I know for some design ideas & have found some good ones here but most of the pics wont load. Old thread.

Could someone provide some pics or links to the hammerhead design & constuction please? Why is the right 20% wider? And is that 2 cm instead or 2mm?

And I saw a red european CF airfoil rigger , but cant find that anymore ??? I think the pics came from the Worlds comp.. Im interested in its rear sponson design.. Or any other single sponson riggers angles & design.



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You are right that is 1.8 - 2.0 cm. The right sponson is 20% wider to make the boat track straight, the left sponson will ride deeper in the water and pull the boat to the left.


I noticed in your picture above that you have sketched an addition of a center support wall for the sponson boom tubes. On the HH12, the outer boom tubes go all the way through the sponsons so that the 2 outer side walls support them. That way you don't need a center wall sandwiched between foam. Hopes this helps.
That drawing is a scan of a blueprint from Japan, Hammer posted it a while back.

I think all the sponsons myself and others have made have the outside sanwich piece..we just ended there and didn't add the outside angles we gave them the Hammer cut instead. Much eaiser.
