Seaducer and os .21RG


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Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2006
I have just purchased the engine and boat in the title of the thread.

The boat is 31" from transom to bow so i am not sure if it is the sd2 or sd3 .I think it's the 29" version sd2.

It has a sport engine and is subsurface drive.

My question to you mono guys is would this boat be able to compete with the newer seaducers or the microbursts or the speedmasters that are out there today.

Would i need to change the drive to surface and would it compete with a mac 21 or valvola.

Just wondering I saw some 20 mono's run in sanford maine and wanted to know if this boat would be able to run with them guy's newer ducers and microburst and sd3's with the worked up orlic NR"S. :D

If not and this is just a play boat I am going to sell it.


You'll be underpowered with the OS and subsurface drive, but the fastest boat doesn't always win. Hit the clock right and run a tight course and you'll be in the top 3 almost everytime. You don't need to be first in every heat to win a race.

Do you know your top speed? If you can get to 48mph+, you should be able to compete as you'll be within 5mph of most heat racing 21 monos. That's close enough to hold them off if you drive well.
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i agree with jon, i was one of the racers in maine with an a-mono 33" seaducer w/nrls.21 and true this class is very competitive you can do well with that older seaducer. the newer boats may have 3-4 mph on you but the boats are so small that you cant run wide open all the time. a while back i won high points for the year with a 32"wildthing with a side ex picco, wasnt the fastest but it always finished. if you can get the seaducer at a good price i would run it

john virgalla
The sd3 is a longer boat can handle rough water alot better then the sd2 and alot faster then the sd2 seen them run side by side the sd3 is all over a better boat.
The sd3 is a longer boat can handle rough water alot better then the sd2 and alot faster then the sd2 seen them run side by side the sd3 is all over a better boat.
I don't know where you race... but out here the short seaducer kicks ass! Long boat lumbers around the course. Short boat is better out here. The long boat is better in white water.

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I race in district 3 namba most of it all is rough water, Jeryy might have a coule old boats kicking around the rafters.
In the right hands the SD2 SubSurface is plenty fast. Duchesne and Foley run em in the larger classes and they run WELL. That said , Im running a SpeedMaster / OS combo at the next race and once again- in the right hands its plenty fast. Like the old saying goes, to finish first - first you must finish. I believe that to be ESPECIALLY true with a .21 Mono, but thats just my .02 ;)

would you guys change the sub surface to a surface drive and which props would you run either way..

this boat has no trim tabs and bob said they don't run them on there boats ..

I have a spare mac and 3280 ops pipe ???
Surface drive with the MAC21 and either an X440/3 or ABC 1614/3 and you should be at 52 mph easily.

Tabs aren't necessary; I have both the 29" and 33", and niether have tabs. I won 1st place at Evansville a couple weeks ago with the 33"/MAC/1614 (first time out), and 1st place at Huntsville a couple years ago with the 29"/NR SS/X440. Oh, and BTW, those were those last 2 races I ran in.
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If any size boat is set up right it will run great, set up is the key. Andy good to see ya around i wont be racing the rest of the year i be back in feb. see you then Robert
If any size boat is set up right it will run great, set up is the key. Andy good to see ya around i wont be racing the rest of the year i be back in feb. see you then Robert
Sorry to hear that Robert, I was looking forward to seeing you. Tough times are just that..... ;) I'm living there.

Rick, you and Mikey gonna make it up, or should I save my coin for the 2 day ???

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