SAW Turn Fin


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Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2003
I want to make a SAW turn fin for my Blackjack and need to know what differances in fin design are common in a SAW fin over the oval fin. I know they typically don't have a bend and can be thinner but is there anything else I need to know?

I would try no turnfin first and see what the boat does. I ran my Eagle without

one, and it turns quite well at half throttle. Otherwise, just a small straight blade

will work fine. What you will have to do is play with the depth.

Good Luck, :)

Mark Sholund
shoboat said:
I would try no turnfin first and see what the boat does. I ran my Eagle without

one, and it turns quite well at half throttle. Otherwise, just a small straight blade

will work fine. What you will have to do is play with the depth.

Good Luck, :)

Mark Sholund
Do you keep the trailing edge and leading edge the same as the other fin?

Make the fin about the same "length" (direction of travel) and location as the stock turnfin, but only about 1/2"-3/4" deep, with a slight curl or angle. Sharpen the leading edge and leave the other edges square.

Thanks. Brad.

Titan Racing Components

If is was me I would leave the turn fin on and change props.

You should try a V947 in open water.

It would take you most of the day/year to learn to drive with out a fin.

You only have one chance make it count. ;)

K-ZAM said:
If is was me I would leave the turn fin on and change props.

You should try a V947 in open water.

It would take you most of the day/year to learn to drive with out a fin.

You only have one chance make it count. ;)

you would know best!
Run no turn fin if you can get away with it, if not get a utility knife blade and mount it by the center bole with a countersunk screw so the head is nearly flush with the blade (keep your fingers out of the way). :huh:


Kently is right. Plus it depends on the size of the lake. You might make a smaller fin and try it this weekend. Something about like what Brad described.

See how fast and tight you can turn with it, then you'll have an idea about it's limitations.
K-ZAM said:
If is was me I would leave the turn fin on and change props.

You should try a V947 in open water.

It would take you most of the day/year to learn to drive with out a fin.

You only have one chance make it count. ;)

Very sound advice from someone who takes very little boats & makes them go very fast in a straight line! The baddest little 21 SAW boat I've ever seen that's for sure. B)

If your making the turn fin for the nats this year, make it a little bigger that some have suggested as saw trials are going to be a little tight.


Depending on the lake i run my saw riggers need to use a small fin

1/2 deep hs been working well on my 80 boats
AWaddle322 said:
Joe,If your making the turn fin for the nats this year, make it a little bigger that some have suggested as saw trials are going to be a little tight.


It is for the Nat's. I think I'm just going to run the stock fin at the Nat's and work on a SAW later.
If I were going to make one for the nats this year it would be close to the size of the one own the boat with out the curl. However if I am fortunate enough to make it to time trials I will be using turn fin that came with it.

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AWaddle322 said:
If I were going to make one for the nats this year it would be close to the size of the one own the boat with out the curl. However if I am fortunate enough to make it to time trials I will be using turn fin that came with it.Allen
Allen, last year's Nats was the first time I ever made a SAW run with a 20 hydro and I felt sort overwelmed. If I make the cut this year, I think I'm going to focus more on the oval time and take what I can get with the SAW.

Have you raced your new boat yet? If so, how did it compare to last year's boat?
last year's Nats was the first time I ever made a SAW run with a 20 hydro
I guess I could say the same thing. Last year was my first full year of racing 20 hydro.

Have you raced your new boat yet?
twice. The first race was in Jackson,TN. It had never been in the water before thie first heat. Finished 3rd for the weekend. Second was in Evansville and dont think I made it to buoy 2 once.
how did it compare to last year's boat
I really don't know yet. I believe it has a lot of potential. I just dont how long it will take to find that potential.I have had walking newmonia (speeling not correct) both times I have a raced the boat. They have had me one some pretty good medicine and my ability to determine speed has been way off.
