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mt. gay rum

Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2006
Purchased this beauity from a good friend Joe Wiebelhaus,,,put the cmb in her and went to flow the carb,,,got it all set to what i like to start with... then was cutting a s/s screw and the boat caught fire( guess i still had some propane fumes still in the boat) I thought i was cutting far enough away and the a/cwould move the fumes around....NOT,, no damage just some bubbles under the paint oneach side of the deck.... had the ivory repainted and cleared.... no problem... and yes lesson learned... :angry:

Now got the boat back from the painter and ran the boat,,,for the first day this girl showed some impressive testing... came back home and deceided to inlarge the fuel lines... and install another fuel tank for heat racing no problem... all completed,,set scale on stand and put outside of my work shop ..was working on another scale and my 85# dog was laying in front of the door with his leash neighbors dog came into my yard ,,still havent figured out how,, my dog took off the leash went tight and caught the scale and flipped it up into the air at least 3 times came down and landed on the corner of the wood stand and crushed the deck right where the APPIAN JERONIMO Decal is,, about the size of your fist broke the glass clean through....The boat was so high in the air that if i didnt have another boat in my hands i could have caught it... in mid air!!!!! Man I was pis------ off, :angry: :angry: ,went over to my neighbors house and told him what had just happend,, he offered to pay for the accident,,, he has no idea what goes into building these beauties... but i will take it easy on him....NOT

And you guys thought your weekend was bad,,, I'am still sick... so off to the painter again....
Look at Joe's picture... that scale is a looker... dont worry my friend it will be back to ship shape ASAP...

I thought it was suppose to be a gas boat weekend my friend? I guess you can't leave those beauties alone? :lol:

What kind of dog is a 85#? Please enlighten us Mike? :lol:

Be Safer,

Mark Sholund
Golden Retreiver,, male loves to play

This was Friday late afternoon,,, after that i was in no mood to run any boats...gas or nitro..went to my daughter soccer game and was a proud papa......both Sat and Sunday :D
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See, you made the most of the weekend anyways. You can't miss too many games, they grow up way to fast.

I will have the rest of your order down their so you can play this weekend.

Have Fun And Be Careful,

Mark Sholund
New Jeronimo decals will go out Wednesday Mike. Didn't have the right color and had to order some more Purple.
Mike, I hate to admit this but when I read the propane story I did laugh a little :) Okay, ALOT :lol: :lol: sorry
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Glen,,, i have to chuckle now also....and i know what you were thinking what a dumb a--... but atleast you all had fun with this post...Got alot of personal calls and come to find out i'am not the only one who has had a few mishaps with its all in fun,,,i dont feel so bad.....anymore... :D

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