Roosted5150 aka Headrcboats off e-bay


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Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2002
Guys after trying today to help my friend Gary (GTR) Tyrell collect items he bought from this crook I found out he is no longer a registered e-bay member. If for any reason you guys sent him money you better start e-mailing him!!!
You must be talking about Mark Williamson, 1717 Down St., Oceanside, CA., 92054. Yeah, he's ripped me off too. He got booted off eBay once then came back with a new s/n and changed his address to a P.O. Box across the river. It's a wonder that you haven't seen him at a race out there, he's a big, ugly Mutha, past due for a mass ass whoopin'.
reasons why i very rarely use e-bay....

..... sorry I can type and spell really i can =P
HHHHEEEEEE's BACK... Take a look

Seems others have had more dealings with this guy than I.. Only conversation I've had with RT is on Garcia pipes. He was under the impression that Jack G. was the builder and never heard of Lee.. Since I had never knew or heard (sorry Jack ;) ) of Jack 8), I was confused. I now know Jack had nothing to do with Garcia Mini-Marine with my chats with Jack since he joined up on IW..

Take the time to look at this ebay posting.. He won't sell to Puerto Rico or two southern Cal. zips..

BTW, who's Mark Williamson??? He gets ripped in the description....

Mark Williamson is the guy that trades on E-bay as:

Headrcboats, roosted5150, haveonenow, zoorcracer, blowndown, fast2574, rcboatracer125, yesitisme125, downunder357, 01betty, beenbetter3.

He’s really doing the boat community a disservice and giving it a bad reputation.

Mark Williamson has screwed a bunch of good people out of money, and is long overdue for a good whoopin.

Curtis is Roostertailz and is doing his best to keep Mark Williamson from screwing anyone else. I suggest everyone in here support Roostertailz in his efforts to keep Mark Williamson off E-bay.

Roostertailz is a good guy. I'll admit that I don’t agree with everything he has said or done, but I'm convinced that he's looking out for everyone's best interest in this case.

I personally know of 2 people in this forum, who are waiting for parts from this joker.
Oh, sorry.. Got the two confused.. Rostertailz vs Roosted5150.. Must be the nitro getting to my brain.. MM reminded me, it was Curtis I chatted with (RoosterTailz) on the Garcia mixup...

Sorry about any confusion... :-[

Mark.. Or is that Mike...

OB Nut Racing... I need some air!
That mm was not me, I use caps on the MM login,

Sheeeessssssh!!!!!! Now I'm confused :p

Gene ;D

aka the other Masked Marvel 8)
I dont know much either as I tend to say confused. ??? I do know that whenever I see that "Masked Marvel" guy, he sure has lots of controversial things to say. ;D
Thats what I am here for, If that Masked Marvel gets outta line, I spank a Hiney!!!! ;D