Mark Williamson is the guy that trades on E-bay as:
Headrcboats, roosted5150, haveonenow, zoorcracer, blowndown, fast2574, rcboatracer125, yesitisme125, downunder357, 01betty, beenbetter3.
He’s really doing the boat community a disservice and giving it a bad reputation.
Mark Williamson has screwed a bunch of good people out of money, and is long overdue for a good whoopin.
Curtis is Roostertailz and is doing his best to keep Mark Williamson from screwing anyone else. I suggest everyone in here support Roostertailz in his efforts to keep Mark Williamson off E-bay.
Roostertailz is a good guy. I'll admit that I don’t agree with everything he has said or done, but I'm convinced that he's looking out for everyone's best interest in this case.
I personally know of 2 people in this forum, who are waiting for parts from this joker.