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Joe Warren

Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2003
Roadrunner Boats is currently building a New Design Xtreme Twin to handle the power of the 2009 Twin rule change in Impba of 2.5 total displacement. The current Xtreme 80 & 90 Kits have already Won numerous Awards & races all over the country & are proven Winners!. With the Light weight design & the G-10 Construction Sponsons you can soon own a New Designed ROADRUNNER TWIN that will be on the cutting edge of Peformance & Speed & will handle the Higher Speeds & the larger props that will be Spinning in TWIN CLASSES.. Ralph has all of the details..... This is just a heads up for the ones looking for a CMB Big Block Twin. ROADRUNER TWIN XTREME RS-101. A few of the twin pilots are already on the list..... coming to a lake near you in 09... BEEP BEEP!! jw
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i can't beleive this , just two 101 twins in the makings. maybe four with mark bullard and dr turner. how about some pictures guys.
jeff the RS101 will allow boaters to build a Twin that will race for a Long time @ Serious Speeds. the engine is bullet proof & Turns good RPM with a head button change. Many mfgers have been racing the 60/80 Twin kits for years & some actually had a 90 (big block) twin kit. Most were the same as the 60/80 But with a Wider Drive line to enable the boat to run a wider spread on the motor mount. But the Power of the RS101 & the props they will spin requires many to go back to the drawing boards to built & develope a New Bigger,Longer,Higher Twin Kit = BIG BLOCK TWIN Kits
Any idea on the price of this new twin
It would be best to consult Ralph Almirola (Roadrunner Boats) @ [email protected] there are options & you can purchase Wood or G-10 construction Sponsons. G- 10 sponsons allow you to run them out of the box. No sealing or Sanding, Painting them is your preference. Super Shape edges & Light weight. Easy to reapair if damaged during racing. One of the biggest breakthru`s for building materials in R/C Hydro Racing. jw
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