rhtmarine sport 40 II


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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2003
Guys, I'm currently designing a sport 40 version of my latest sport 20 hull. Wood construction, wof sponsons, and an epoxy cowl. fully built, ready for seal and paint.

stay tuned...


have started drawing gasser and hope to get the templates cut out this weekend. I micro pin layers of ply to the template and cut them on a table router.
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YOU GO BOB !!!!!!!!!!!

I'm goin... You think my design would be good 6" longer with twice the HP? I think it would be quite good. I have started drawing... need a sport 40II for the nats next year. maybe even a b-hydro, if it runs like Eric's.

stay tuned, Bob
Guys, I cut out the first sport 40 hull and dry fitted it together today. It's gonna rock!!

5" longer with twice the HP... should be a missle. stay tuned.

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Does a 45 actually put out 2x the power of a .21? I didn't think so but could be wrong.

Anthony, the mac 21 produces 2.2 - 2.9 HP while the mac 45 produces 4.2 - 5.0 HP

I would say that twice the HP is fairly accurate.

should freakin rock!

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Guys, got the boat completely cutout today and in a jig. Looks awesome, a little bigger than the 21 hull. I will be building these for sale in the near future. stay tuned...


Having so much fun working on this sport boat... I'm starting to draw and cut out my gas sport version. I think it will also make a hell of a sport 60. ;) Defintely stay tuned!

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i'm interested in the gas version if it looks like the boat in your sig pic.

what are the dimensions ?

are you talking about selling wood parts kits and glass cowls ?

dave w.
i'm interested in the gas version if it looks like the boat in your sig pic.

what are the dimensions ?

are you talking about selling wood parts kits and glass cowls ?

dave w.

Hi Dave, The gas sport is 43" long. I am selling wood boats, not kit parts. Boat includes an epoxy cowl. It will look just like the M&M's boat. same with the sport 40 II. price of the sport 21 is 350.00 the sport 40 is 400.00 and the gas boat is 500.00. shipping is extra.

Thanks for looking, Bob
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