Rear sponsons on rigger?


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Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2004
Are rear sponsons needed?? For the firefighter .12, the sponsons are almost half the boats length right?
Are they needed - they are along for the ride for a lot of the time but they do help with launching and low speed running etc.

Half the boats length? I don't think they are that big. I'm sure when Tom designed the boat he used the size that was deemed nessesary for the above mentioned conditions.
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needed... no helpfull.... yes

some people don't like them, some do. for heat racing i think they are a good thing.
you must be looking at the old free plans...... not the same as the kit.... but it can work fine. for a first boat it will be good experience..... that's how i got started....

the sponsons are wood over foam. the pink / blue foam works best

ya trying to pich every penny huh? i know the feeling!

dosen't someone have an old boat they can donate to this guy to get him started?

I got a never used prather lap cat in the garage.... it is an old design but would work.... needs a 7.5 outboard so that might be too much??? ive also got a couple 1/2 built 12 riggers in the garage.... maybe someone can complete them for him???
tom you send me the 1/2 built boat and the needed instructions. i will finish it for him. but i need all of it. hardware,radio,motor,pipe prop, shaft. i will completly finish it. i might even seal it for paint.

thanks jon gambrel

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Hummm that's a great offer Jon..... unfortunately i don't have all the hardware..... only some of it.

also the boat is a pre release.... meaning a lot of scratch work is required.... it's doable but.....

i was really hoping someone would have something just sitting around that might require less work.... as my 1/2 done .12 would be a major project!

maybe this needs a new topic?