Everyone here knows I don't get on IW much anymore. Mostly because of all the political BS.
Yesterday I simply posted a video that I found from years ago and never used. I thought I would finally post it after all these years. I guess doing that brought out all the haters again. My inbox has messages from those who think i somehow did Byrd wrong and how rcRacingEvents sucks so bad.
Funny none of you were complaining when it was free...
So let me set the record straight
See the thing is, In the beginning, All rcRacingEvents did was make it easier to take entries online. That's it. Nothing more. There was no scoring application. Then Ron Byrd started talking s***. Saying that I was somehow taking paying customers from him. Because he had planned to make his do that some day... I guess he felt that even though it was just a thought in his mind, I had done him wrong. See I have no problem that he has a scoring program as well. His was first. I have a problem with the fact that he screen scraped my entire website, stealing the pages to give his a facelift...
Soon afterwards I started to get calls to add a scoring program because all they had was Byrd's. And I remember to this day (You know who you are) someone pleading to me "I just wanna kill myself every time I use it."
So rcRacingEvents came to be what it is because of the cries from those of you. And now you want to bash me because after ten years I start charging .50 cents a boat? I hate to tell you, I'm certainly not getting rich by doing that... Now if the racers had an idea of how much the clubs were raking in on a decent size race?
Tell you what. don't like my site? don't use it. Think it sucks? don't use it. Think it doesn't work? don't use it!
I'm certainly not going to lose any sleep over it (Bullard). Funny it works for everyone else...
Oh and Mark?, as far as what you think of my programming skills? Why, I really could care less...
All I did was post a video for nostalgia's sake... smdh.