Randy Rapedius leaving the sport!!!!


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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Dec 28, 2001
I was just browsing on the District 1 website and there it was. Randy says that after 14 years of racing he is quitting to devote time to his new toy, a Porsche 911. We will all miss one of the great competitors as he has meant to so many. Happy trails Randy and drop in on us soon!!!!
I find it hard to believe that Randy is getting completely out of R/C boats. He must have quite a few and probably more OPS .45's than Aeromarine does! I got to meet him briefly at the Internats and is a really nice guy. He'll end up by seeing how many boats that he can squeeze into that 911!
Like I said...you can get the boat out of the water, but you can't get it out of your blood.

Huh, Gene. ;)