Question Regarding Sponson Modifications


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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Nov 7, 2006
So I am working on finishing up my velasco hull and I got a bright idea that maybe adding some steps in the bottoms of the sponsons using 1/16 carbon fiber slimed over the bottom. Sometimes I over think things and was wondering should I do it or leave well enough alone. Any suggestions???????


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So I am working on finishing up my velasco hull and I got a bright idea that maybe adding some steps in the bottoms of the sponsons using 1/16 carbon fiber slimed over the bottom. Sometimes I over think things and was wondering should I do it or leave well enough alone. Any suggestions???????


Hey Kevin! Unless you've heard of a concern with that hull, I think I would revert to the KISS method. Make sure your surfaces are true & the edges are straight & crisp. Then run it! The boat will tell you if it needs something. I've seen some boats built with all kinds of strakes & trips & pads & shingles & whatever and I always wondered which ones were really helping, which were useless & which might have even been a step backwards! Give the designer a little credit - I'm sure he didn't set out to produce a hull that doesn't work. If you set the hardware up a lot different than what the designer had in mind when he drew it up, then you might need to make some changes - either to the hull OR the set-up. But you will have precious little to go on until you actually run the boat. I would suggest you just relax, finish the boat & take it out to the pond & have some fun! I'm sure you will learn something in the process - and remember - KISS!

Hey Kevin, I have a Velasco hull. I say leave them alone. The one thing I might try is air traps. Although Mine seems to run great the way it is. She just gets pretty loose in the nose. Keep the wheight as far forward as possible. Radio up front. Engine ahead of the sponson backs and the tanks at the cg. The left sponson likes to lift a bit so I put 1/2 ounce in it. John.
One other thing to think about is the more you put on the bottom of the sponsons, the higher the front of the boat will be when running. That gives you two choises, run it nose high and hope it doesn't blow over or drop the strut and deal with tuning issues
Kevin I would leave them alone. Just make sure the trailing edges are crisp. I know Henry and his boat is as it is out of the mold and it's fast. We have a couple more of his boats in our area and they are pretty darn fast as well. If you call Henry he'll tell you the main concerns for that hull is weight distribution. One you get that dialed in you're golden.
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