Question on hull identification


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Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2006
Why is it that some of the Phil Thomas sport 40's have the radio box in the front of the engine and some in the rear.

some are older than others??
Its all about personal preference, I myself prefer the front radio box, this way weight transfer is not issue, due to front mounted fuel tank. chuck
what chuck means is the the weight of the radio gear is constant so the boat has a lesser chance of a blow over .... as with the tank in the front the tank drains as the race goes on and the front of the boat gets lighter and more proned to blowing off the water .... but when it comes down to it chuck is right its just personal preference
Thanks guys now I am clear.

I am looking at a couple used ones and though perhaps the rear radio box might have been an older version.

I looks like it would be pretty easy to change to a front mount radio box anyway.
Hey Thanks I have sold lots of both setups.

Seems like some in some areas guys will swear by one or the other and some have a mix of front or rear box setups.

If you use the front box setup the boat will run tighter to the water. With the radio and the fuel ahead of the BP not much difference in the trim is noticed. The fuel system is a bit more complicated and has more problems.

The rear box setup will change trim more but the fuel system works better. The fuel weighs alot more than a radio box usually so the boat is more front heavy with a full tank. If you setup the boat so that it will not blow off with a low tank of fuel you wont have any trouble racing it. I like the looser running setup but pay for it sometimes with a unexpected blow off.
