what do you have for .21 riggers? I have 1445 in series with all different types of cupping done by Andy Brown
I look for 1657 and H-22 tell me price cheers Allan I don't have anything for this.
ill take any H-32"s..please send me PM if u have any I have two H-32's. One full blade and one back cut (20 each plus shipping) Call me if you want them.
Troy, do you have anything for gas thunderboats or 1/8 scale Hydros? Yeah, I have 245, 250, 260 Prather props. Some of them have been cupped up, back cut and then cut down on diameter. $10 to $15 each + shipping. Also have 3 blades different sizes ($15 each + shipping) Also have Y557 for $15 each + shipping. Call me if you're interested. (209) 327-0239