prop selection .21 jae


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Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2006
what props are being suggested for the jae 21 and nr 5 port and ops3280 ???
kent, what motor/esc are you using? if ul1 then i would start with a 442/642 and you will probablly end up around 445/645 the ul-1 esc will only allow for so much amp draw. if using a cc120 esc you can prob pull the 645 no problem. the limitation of prop size is going to be the esc. the motor will just get hot as the esc will smoke. you are going to have to do short runs (10-20 seconds) and check temps. i am going to use a cc240 in mine so that i never have a problem smoking it when testing. my experience in the past the ul-1 motor doesnt like anything bigger or more pitched than 445 unless you relieve it but i know riggers have low drag and using a lifter prop should drop the amp draw a little.

1450 or h7 both work good
Martin, are those props good for the 21FE??


Kent, I have no experience with electric power in boats, I would say it depends on your power setup and that someone with similar setup could point you in the right direction to start.