Prop location


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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Dec 22, 2003
Looking through my rule book last night I found where it talks about drive dog location.

"The drive dog can be 1 drive dog length behind the transom."

So that means that the prop can be behind the transom by one drive dog length correct?

I know that there has been much heated discussions on the topic about being able to mount the strut on the transom and that is not what I'm talking about nor do I wish to reopen that debate agin. Just want to make sure I'm reading this rule correctly.


"The drive dog can be 1 drive dog length behind the transom."

Or does that translate to the prop actually being 2 drive lengths?
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Who's rulebook are you looking at??

Not IMPBA's!


I don't do much IMPBA running anymore.

"The drive dog can be 1 drive dog length behind the transom."

Or does that translate to the prop actually being 2 drive lengths?
Thats what I think. I was going to change my orginal post.

The front Hub of the prop or the back of the drive dog is two drive dogs behind the transom.


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So someone could make some extra long drive dogs and really put the prop back pretty far racing under NAMBA rules?
I guess someone could if they really wanted.

What dose or rather what did the IMPBA have in their rule book about the placement of the prop/drive dog/end of strut/end of drive shaft in relation to the transom as I don't have an IMPBA book?

Keep in mind that I'm asking about use on Sport .21 boat not for Scale class as I beleive the specs are different


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Here is the rule from the IMPBA rulebook which BTW you can download fromour web site at

7. No part of the strut may protrude behind the transom of the boat, or have a width greater than 9/16 inches or a length longer than 3 inches.
Here is the rule from the IMPBA rulebook which BTW you can download fromour web site at

7. No part of the strut may protrude behind the transom of the boat, or have a width greater than 9/16 inches or a length longer than 3 inches.
Thats true for the sport40 hydro, he is talking sport 21 hydro, which allows the strut mounted on the transom now.
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NAMBA allows the prop to be mounted one standard drivedog length behind the transom . In other words the front face of the drive dog can can not be any further back than flush with the transom. Don't shoot the messenger on this . This rule was around long before I was asked to Chair the Sport Hydro Class in NAMBA. I don't wish to get dragged into a big todo about NAMBA vs IMPBA but as I understood your original question you were asking about the NAMBA rule. This applies to all Nitro Sport Hydro Classes in NAMBA.

Eric Bourlet

NAMBA Sport Hydro Chairman
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Bang, bang!!! Now that your dead, would you like to buy a power panel? :p B)
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NAMBA allows the prop to be mounted one standard drivedog length behind the transom . In other words the front face of the drive dog can can not be any further back than flush with the transom. Don't shoot the messenger on this . This rule was around long before I was asked to Chair the Sport Hydro Class in NAMBA. I don't wish to get dragged into a big todo about NAMBA vs IMPBA but as I understood your original question you were asking about the NAMBA rule. This applies to all Nitro Sport Hydro Classes in NAMBA.

Eric Bourlet

NAMBA Sport Hydro Chairman
Thank You Eric.

I had zero intentions of bashing any rule nor did I wish to bash any organization. I just wanted to make sure I understood the rules correctly before I proceed with a new project. :)

Now for a new question, what is the average strut depth on a Sport .21? I'm sure there is a broad range due to different hulls, props, personal preferences, ect; but what do some of the manufactures recommend?

Thank you.


In namba you may run one drive dog length behind the transom. One commercially available drivedog. You may not make a drive dog of any length and race in NAMBA. You must be able to buy it. ie: prather, areromarine, etc. Does that answer your question?

Bob T.
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In namba you may run one drive dog length behind the transom. One commercially available drivedog. You may not make a drive dog of any length and race in NAMBA. You must be able to buy it. ie: prather, areromarine, etc. Does that answer your question?

Bob T.

Hi Bob

I am a new NAMBA member as of this August, so when reading the rule book, this was of some interest to me.

Page 59 of the NAMBA rule book (revised 2/28/05)

Sport Hydroplane rules

B. Boat Specifications

8) The propeller drive dog may be one drive dog length behind the transom of the boat.

Page 65 of NAMBA rule book (revised 11/15/99)

Scale Unlimited Hydroplane Competition

Hull Specifications

10. The propeller drive dog may extend one drive dog length beyond the transom.

I have posted the rules word for word exactly as they appear in the current rule book.

Although the two rules are worded slightly different from each other, I could not find any reference in the rule book that says the drive dog has to be purchased, or even commercially available.

Nowhere is the length of a drive dog specified.

Perhaps I missed it in the rule book, so can anyone please tell me on which page they saw the words "One commercially available drivedog"

Les Akre

NAMBA District 16