Prop for PT 8255


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Speed Jr.

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2005
Whats a good prop to start off with a Phil Thomas U82-55 Scale? CMB Greenie in it. Is a 460/3 a good start? Whatcha guys running. Feel Free to chime in Phil!

Larry Jr.
Whats a good prop to start off with a Phil Thomas U82-55 Scale? CMB Greenie in it. Is a 460/3 a good start? Whatcha guys running. Feel Free to chime in Phil!
Larry Jr.
I Don't have a PT hull- but just asked Henry Velasco about strut depth and he recommended 1455/3 or 1457/3.


Did you get a scale boat? Alot of scale guys run a 1455/3 or a 1457/3. See you in Badger land. I am trying to get Mike to start racing his twin. KENNY

Im running a 1455/3 cup to 5".. Having said this my boat has a few changes to it so its not a fair comparison.

Take care.. say hi to Larry Sr for me.

Im running a 1455/3 cup to 5".. Having said this my boat has a few changes to it so its not a fair comparison.

Take care.. say hi to Larry Sr for me.


Thanks Mike. Will do. Are you coming to Kenosha in a few weeks?

Larry Jr.
Im running a 1455/3 cup to 5".. Having said this my boat has a few changes to it so its not a fair comparison.

Take care.. say hi to Larry Sr for me.


Thanks Mike. Will do. Are you coming to Kenosha in a few weeks?

Larry Jr.
Larry srart with a 455x3.............. Is your cowl open to get plenty of air to the engine well? I cut behind the driver to get air in if not the prop load will overheat the engine............

Hope you are well.. I will not be able to make that race as I have another engagement going on that weekend. That weekend is just a bad weekend for RC boat racing for me.

Say hi to everybody for me
