Prop Cross Over Charts?


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Paul Pachmayer

Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2003
Hey Guys,

I'm looking for a chart that compares Octura, Prather and ABC props to each other in diameter and pitch. In general I'm wanting to know which props overlap and would make for good substitutes.

Thanks, Paul.
Gary Preusse has a really nice chart that you can get from him for the cost of a SASE. It lists the Octura, Prather and ABC props with pitch and diameter in both inches and metric plus shows speed in RPM ranges using a 15% slippage rate. I'll see if I have an extra one, I made up some copies so I can do one for you if I can find mine.
"I can do one for you if I can find mine" :lol: Carefull Ron, Your starting to sound like me :blink:

Carlos at Sharkracing has a good one too, I got a copy of it....... Somewhere :D ;)
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Paul, I found one. I'll take it to work tonight and make some copies. PM me with your address and I should be able to get it out in tomorrows mail.