Project lemon...


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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2003
I've never built up a deep vee, always stuck with hydros...

With all the stuff that goes on the transom of a deep-v,

strut, rudder, water pickup, trim tabs, turnfin, etc.

what brand, in your opinion, (facts are welcome too) of running hardware will fit on the rear of my new boat without making it look crammed in??

Specs:Length=742mm(29.2 inch),

width=232mm(9.1 inch),

height=140mm(5.5 inch),

weight=680g(just a hair under 24 oz.)

Oh yeah, this is one of my new projects, a .21 deep-vee,

The hull was made of 3 layers of 6oz/sq yard fiberglass.

Gimme hints, suggestions, and comments... ALL input is welcome and appreciated...

I would say the speedmaster stuff is the way to go.

We got a new member that makes hardware. maybe he will have some good comments here.
Thanks Tom, I like speedmaster stuff... they always ship quicklyand not too bad on price...

i was leaning their way anyways,

i found some chome stuff on

but theyre in europe, and all their stuff is for electric boats...

I run Speedmaster hardware on my mono's also. Another one to look at is the Seaducer running gear, it seems to be pretty good too.
Re:project lemon... COMPLETE!!!!!!!!

got it done finally!!!!
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Cool! Is that Aeromarine trimtabs and a Dumas rudder??

What is that white styrofoam thing coming out of the cowling??

That stro-foam thing looks more like a hose nipple to me. :- i think it might be an ait scoop to get fresh air to the carb. just a guess though
That "styrofoam thing" is actually a cannon that fires 1/4" steel bearings, (just kidding) ;D

wswatzell is correct, the air coming in the tube is directed at the header, it will be painted yellow after i fill in the tiny holes from the fiberglass mesh. i used some CA and some saran wrap, wrapped up a marker, layered the fiberglass around it, then applied CA... simple way to make a tube... oh, and the trim tabs ARE aeromarine... good eye... ill take some inside pics soon...

the running hardware was nabbed from my miss circus circus running hardware kit (#2346), i shortened the length of the rudder an inch or so, sharpened it on a low speed wetstone, and bolted it on. (after gashing my finger open on the sharp edge). The strut already had 3/16" bearings in it, I hacked the trailing edge off, filed and shaped it all pretty and stuff... then bolted it on... it can be adjusted up and down for trim.

i replaced the steering servo with a hitec 625, based on good advice from a

previous post...

i am not happy with the placement of the trim tabs, i know they need to be closer to the center, but the rudder got mounted first... and i hate swiss-cheesing a transom because of poor planning... lol

besides, i think they'll prevent rocking, who knows...

In the future, i'd like to add pull start, if anyone has the parts list for the picco 3.5cc marine engine, please send me a copy... i need part numbers for ordering crank, backplate, rear bearing, and the pull start itself... also the carb i have on it wont close all the way, (stays 1/32" open, enough for a high idle) so i need to fix it, but before i do, does the fuel inlet end screw off? or is it pressed in???

Thanks to all those who helped!!!

and of course, everyone at

Shnick ;D

i ran the boat today, in medina lake near san antonio tx... all i gots ta' say is.. i wish i had a camcorder!!!! that thing handled 8" wake from its "big brothers" and jetskis, turned on a dime, AND ran about 45!! (okay, 40)... lol

i started out with a 215 prop, what should i go to next?? should i get a 220 and reduce diameter? or keep it original??

speaking of camcorders, does anyone know how to transfer a vhs tape to .mpg format??

Thanks, Shnick ;D
my frind uses a dazzle unit and software or windows movie maker depending on his mood.... i think you can get the movie maker with windows media player 9 otherwise i know it's on microsofts website. he says dazzle is the easiest one he has used and it's got lots of nice options. I on the other hand have a video in on my tv card, so i use a FM modulator and some now unsupported video capture proggie... but there are several out there, and any decent capture equipment will do it for you. but the dazzle is the most popular and easiest to use from what i hear.

It is good to see that not everyone run in to heaps of trouble on their maiden runs. it may seem on this forum otherwise ;D

Are you going to add details to the paintjob, or will it stay lemon?

hmm. perhaps a lemon leaf? 8)
Yes, the first run was great! It was the second run however, that caused me problems... I was "showing off" for the camera, and I INTENDED to do a 90 degree turn, splash the camera operator, (wife) and take off like a bat out of hell... but, it decided to do a 270 degree turn... Right towards the bank!!! Now, it wasnt moving fast, just fast enough to run the rudder into the rock... yes, THE rock... the only one within 50 feet on the entire shoreline and I just HAD to hit it... lol

The piece that broke is a dumas part made of pot metal, which is very brittle, but a cheap way to cast a part. So I fabricated a new mount for the rudder, and its ready to go again...

Paint... Hmmmm... Don't know yet... Guys, send me some ideas...


Shnick ;D
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Here is a cad drawing a made, i guess the best route to go is, save the pic and draw on it with a graphics program, (or let your 3 yr old do it) and email it to me...

Thanks, Shnick ;D
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lol you're crazy.

But realy. if you add a cocpit window to that it will look realy good I think.

great idea. 8)