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Andy Greene

Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2006
Sometimes the things manufacture's print on their product label make me laugh, this is one of them.

Georganna got these to save he cats life and our nice couch - :rolleyes:

I believe the bottom line on the package says it all , :ph34r:

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declaw works!

I loved our cats when we had them, but wouldnt have had them if they wernt 100% declawed. Leather couch + cat claws = bye bye kitty! So the declawing was necessary. They never seemed to mind. Had 3 of them, all declawed fully.
I must be lucky mine stays away oh maybe because i yelled at her a few times, now she looks at me then walks away Robert
This one's just getting broke in Robert- she has been here a year and just started yest- she will learn :eek:

I'm not against front declaws, but never all 4 . They get out of the house down here and they gotta have AT least the rears for defense Rodney, the hawks love kittens/ taste like chicken ;)
This one's just getting broke in Robert- she has been here a year and just started yest- she will learn :eek:

I'm not against front declaws, but never all 4 . They get out of the house down here and they gotta have AT least the rears for defense Rodney, the hawks love kittens/ taste like chicken ;)
I agree, IF they go outside. Ours had never seen outside a day in there lives, aside from getting taken to the vet.
Mine is strickly inside cat only time she goes any where is when i go to a boat race then she attends it on sunday when i have to leave but then she stays in her stroller :rolleyes: Robert
This one's just getting broke in Robert- she has been here a year and just started yest- she will learn :eek:

I'm not against front declaws, but never all 4 . They get out of the house down here and they gotta have AT least the rears for defense Rodney, the hawks love kittens/ taste like chicken ;)
I agree, IF they go outside. Ours had never seen outside a day in there lives, aside from getting taken to the vet.
Our cats are indoor only and are not declawed. We adopt from rescue shelters and they typically now make you sign papers about the care and one item is no declawing. I used to think it was no big deal until we saw a thing on Animal Planet about it, sure changed our outlook on declawing.... wow.

Many vets won't tell you what it's really like for the cat because it is a very simple and rather profitable surgery. :unsure:

The key is having something that is taller than they can fully extend on, we have 2 carpet covered 6 foot tall "kitty condos" and they work great, cats don't touch the furniture. I've also heard a small water pistol acts as a great deterrent, getting squirt a couple times when caught in the act makes them think twice...............
This one's just getting broke in Robert- she has been here a year and just started yest- she will learn :eek:

I'm not against front declaws, but never all 4 . They get out of the house down here and they gotta have AT least the rears for defense Rodney, the hawks love kittens/ taste like chicken ;)
I agree, IF they go outside. Ours had never seen outside a day in there lives, aside from getting taken to the vet.
. I've also heard a small water pistol acts as a great deterrent, getting squirt a couple times when caught in the act makes them think twice...............
That or a strategically placed Lime :p
potato cannon - - - lime pistol????? B) :lol: :lol: ours are primarily outdoor cats, their job is the take care of the barn & garage car interior eating, feed stealing varmits. they do come inside occasionaly, & yes, don a water pistol is an awesome traing aid :ph34r: . they need their claws, part of survival in the real world. we do have fox & coyote around..
I have not seen our cat since we got the Labrador/American Bulldog mutt. Come to think of it we have not had a need to clean the litter box either..hmmmmmmm :)
Yep a water pistol or spray bottle work wonders. I'm not a big fan of de-clawing either and that's why the sticky strips on the couch. She claws in the middle of the night, smart enough not to do it in front of us.

Don this one was a rescue, from a job site Andy was at and someone dropped her on the side of a busy road at less than 6 weeks old.
hell, i prolly couldn't afford to declaw the male. he has 7 toes on each front paw, & 6 on each rear paw.
Oh ya i keep bottles of water in every room to lazy to run and find one dont need it much with her i just give her the bad look and she walks away :eek: :eek: Robert
hell, i prolly couldn't afford to declaw the male. he has 7 toes on each front paw, & 6 on each rear paw.
Robin have you checked the Guinness bock of records?Andy, My Mother and sister both have cats- adopted from shelters or strays. My sister does not beleive in "Negative Reinforcement" and has had one expensive couch destroyed and one or more of her cats whizzed on her not so bright boyfriends leather coat (that he should have hung in a closet). Mothers newest is a wild one(a male) she took in off the streets when she was 91 years old. He had a bad habbit of clawing and biting Mother and digging up a large potted plant that Mother has had for 25 years. Pet Smart has a spray that repels cats but is oderless to me -No more digging. A very small piece of newspaper applied to the hind quaters during the biting and clawing stoped that.