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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Dec 11, 2003
over the last few years of running nitro/GAS boats i have been reminded many times that i need to build a retrieve boat. i've finally learned and i'm in the process of finishing a mean machine from Areomarine that i picked up(it was pretty cheap too) but i need some help. i need 2 things 1 a speedcontroller that can handle maybe up to 12 cells and a flex coupler that fit a 5mm motor shaft and 3/16 flex shaft. i'm not looking to spend a ton on this boat but i would like to be pointed in the best economial direction and if you guys have some stuff that you don't use i'm open to suggestions. i'm not really electric savy so bear with me. thanks

this is where you need to be. be carefull of motor/battery/esc selection because mean machines are capable of over 50 mph with relitively cheap stuff. retreval boats are suposed to be slow so they dont need retreving. 12 cells (or 4s lipo) is all it takes to make a electric boat fast. that boat can run 20 mph or so on 1 6 cell nimi and a cheap brushed set up. something like the super-v combo will give you about 35-40 and ul-1 40+ on 4s lipos, check out the kits that are all inclusive and you will be ready to run quickly. also hoby city has lipos cheap but you will need a charger (super-v combo) (ul-1 combo)

OSE swap shop is a great place for used stuff and steves new stuff is priced right and he is the fastest shipper you will ever find.
A "retrieve boat"? :lol:

I remember back in the day when we used to punch a clothesline thru a rubber baseball and toss that thing out there and snag the boat and drag it in...Great way to develope that arm too!

I would suggest looking for a Graupner speed 700 drive, or a geared drive which is similar in appearance to the photo but has a geared motor mount, 2.5.1 with a 45-47mm prop for example will give you speed on 12 cells, and for towing in boats you can swap out the gears for something around 4.1, that way you'l have two boats in one! :lol: