Please help the victims of Super Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan)


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Oct 17, 2011
Note to Admin & Moderators: I apologize for I know this is not a rc boat related post. Hoping for your kind consideration. Please Feel free move this thread to where it properly fits. Thank You!


With the unimaginable damage caused by Super Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) to my beloved country The Philippines. I'm humbly asking for your kind hearts for help.

Any help you can extend, no matter how small will be a great contribution for the poor victims that numbers to thousands.

Your donations will be highly appreciated. May God Bless us all! Thank You!


Stephen Val Young

For Donations pls. visit The Philippine National Red Cross website Choose "supertyphoon Yolanda (Haiyan)
Stephen, I've read the US is sending 12 Billion $ to help. I'm not in a position to confirm or deny if this is an accurate figure. When hurricane Katrina hit our southern states- help seemed a little slow in coming. Same with the bad weather that hit our East coast last year. The best thing you can do at a time like this is help those that are less fortunate than yourself.

The USA doesn't have a "Surplus" of 12 Billion dollars. We have a rather large debt. The 12 Billion will likely be borrowed or taken from our Social Security system or Federal employees retirement benefits plan.

I hope you do not think I'm not sympathetic to the problems in your country Stephen. I really am but many are already pushed to their financial limits here.. Hope you understand.

I'm also not sure how much the US pledged as aid to the storm victims but hiw much it is, we are thankful.

The affected areas are cut off coz roads are unaccessible, power and communication line are down.

I'm thankful to the men and women of the US Marine Corps who responded immediately after the storm and sent 2 C130's and Helicopters to help transport much needed supplies to the concerned areas.

Big or small we are greatful for all your help. Your prayers are very well appreciated. In behalf of my beloved countrymen, from the bottom of our hearts, Thank You and God Bless!