Phil Thomas Sport 20 questions.


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Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2006
Hey folks.Sorry to be such a pain/newbie.

I have been getting some help from people on here and appreciate it.I am having trouble getting the pipe to fit over or through the groove in rear radio box using the cooper qiute pipe and 10 degree header from CMB.

I have been considering building or buying a two peice radio box on either side of the pipe ??

or just getting the correct pipe and coupler that would fit in the groove in the radio box...

If I continue to try to use the rear radio box with this pipe and work out my pipe issues, the 8 oz sullivan tank will just fit in front of the .21 CMB valvola if I let the tank hit the rear of the motor.I think it will work with the stopper and lines installed but I have been just doing dry runs or mock ups to see if everything will fit.

If I try to use the front mounted radio box the part of the radio box that faces the transom will hit the carb.If I push it forward the cowl will not fit on also that makes for a very tight fit and short throttle linkage.

I was thinking of modifying the front radio box somehow so it would not hit the engine.Then if i got this accomplished i don't know if i could get all the radio gear in the front box :(


The front radio box I have has the hump in the middle..

Have any of you guys used other radio boxes or made your own or even a two piece radio box where the rudder servo is in a seperate location or other tank configurations maybe a 6 oz with a 2 oz hopper something like that to allow for more room...

I will be glad when I get this worked out and so will you guys .

I will add more pictures to my gallery and post a link in this thread tonight .

Thanks a lot for your patience and I won't bring this up again..


it may be easier to change pipes, a Mac 3.5 or an OPS 3280 is not as fat as the cooper quiet pipe and that may very well solve your problem.

Terry,it may be easier to change pipes, a Mac 3.5 or an OPS 3280 is not as fat as the cooper quiet pipe and that may very well solve your problem.

Check the size of Phils rear box for a scale he makes a one skinny long as its not too tall
Hey folks.Sorry to be such a pain/newbie.
I have been getting some help from people on here and appreciate it.I am having trouble getting the pipe to fit over or through the groove in rear radio box using the cooper qiute pipe and 10 degree header from CMB.

I have been considering building or buying a two peice radio box on either side of the pipe ??

or just getting the correct pipe and coupler that would fit in the groove in the radio box...

If I continue to try to use the rear radio box with this pipe and work out my pipe issues, the 8 oz sullivan tank will just fit in front of the .21 CMB valvola if I let the tank hit the rear of the motor.I think it will work with the stopper and lines installed but I have been just doing dry runs or mock ups to see if everything will fit.

If I try to use the front mounted radio box the part of the radio box that faces the transom will hit the carb.If I push it forward the cowl will not fit on also that makes for a very tight fit and short throttle linkage.

I was thinking of modifying the front radio box somehow so it would not hit the engine.Then if i got this accomplished i don't know if i could get all the radio gear in the front box :(


The front radio box I have has the hump in the middle..

Have any of you guys used other radio boxes or made your own or even a two piece radio box where the rudder servo is in a seperate location or other tank configurations maybe a 6 oz with a 2 oz hopper something like that to allow for more room...

I will be glad when I get this worked out and so will you guys .

I will add more pictures to my gallery and post a link in this thread tonight .

Thanks a lot for your patience and I won't bring this up again..

I used 3 mini servos and cut out the box where the header would be about an 1/8th from rubbing the box. it's all a snug fit but it will work. one note though, you can't use the bellos type push rod seals. They will melt next to the header.
The cooper pipe muffler is what your problem is, it is a bit longer and bigger than the Andy brown muffled pipe. The Andy brown muffled pipe was used with the Mac 21 to fit the rear box and turbine cowl.

Everything in the sport20 boats is a tight fit so planning ahead is a must when you use something different.

The front box you have has the hump and small lid. I changed that design to the front box with a wider lid for better access and to be used with the Mac21 style motors.

With the Cooper pipe and the rear exhust cmb 21 like the Mac you should use the new front box This will work with the turbine cowl.

[i used 3 mini servos and cut out the box where the header would be about an 1/8th from rubbing the box. it's all a snug fit but it will work. one note though, you can't use the bellos type push rod seals. They will melt next to the header.
Wes he has the new cmb like the Mac 21 the exhaust is out the rear of the motor.
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What do you guys think of this idea.

They are not all mine and have been having some help via e- mails so it's a combined effort if it works.

If it is a bad idea then it's mine :p

Building a light second or satellite radio box at the rear of the engine from 1/16 aircraft ply complete with plexi lid, to house the standard size hi-torque servo and mini throttle servo.This would provide me with several advantages.

1) Free up room in the front radio box where I would have Battery, switch receiver and possibly 3rd channel servo.

2)Put 2 of the servos over or close to the c/g on one side of the pipe while running 2 tanks on the other side of the pipe/ header as close to the c/g as I can get.

3)This gives me a better angle of attack for the throttle pushrod to the control arm on the carb,instead of the short little hard to work on one if the throttle servo is in the front box.

4)This would greatly reduce the distance from the steering servo to the rudder,

By not using the front mounted tank, gets the weight of the fuel over the c/g and by only using ane small box on the rear parallel with the pipe leaves me plenty of room to experiment with other pipe and pipe brackets.

I hope I explained this properly

Thanks Again to all that have been helping me here as well as e-mails.

That's basically what I am doing with my daughter's boat. maintaining the CG at 14 inches has not been much of a challange in doing so.