Pay N Pak Tubine Guru Needed


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Mike McKnight

Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2005
Ok I am trying to straighten out the pics I have of the Pak Turbine boats. I know there were two. What I need is some confirmation of what ran and when.

Now I know this one was 1980 but did it also run in 81 too? Or was it just the other boat?

Now I know this is the second boat and with this configuration of decals I am pretty sure this was 1981. Cowl sides changed and the Verts did too.

This I am pretty sure was 82. Just a change on the verts. And the raised headrest.

Do I have the timeline correct or am I off at all here?
Mike, the first picture is the boat in it's original design setup in 1980. It blew over during qualifying in Tri Cities and was done for the year. During the winter Jim Lucero redesign the front of the boat to have adjustable canards to help hold the boat down. Second picture 1981. They ran the front wings at some times but mostly the boat ran without them. After running on saltwater race courses they found that the front intakes caused problems with water ingestion. So during the winter they redesigned the front cowling intakes and added a top intake with head rest. So 1982 picture number 3. The same hull ran all three years just updated all three years. The second or new hull was built in the 1982 and was planned to be run in 1983. However in 1982 at Seattle the original hull suffered a devastating accident. The accident severely injured the driver and the owner suffered a heart attack due to the accident. After that the team went up for sale and was bought mid season 1983 by Steve Woomer. In 1984 the new hull was run as the Tosti Asti. I hope this helps.
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To add a bit more to the story, the canard arrangement was found to be more of a problem than running without it. What was discovered was that due to the short distance between the rear of the canard and the bulnose, it actually increased the generated lift at the front of the boat. The following year, Jim Lucero built the new Atlas using a larger spacing between the rear of the fixed canard and bulnose. It was not only found to work, it set the pattern used on almost all new boats until the mid 90s
Master Hull Roster # 8025 shows the '84 U-10 Tosti Asti was the same hull as the 80 - 82 U-25 with more changes. The final version was the '87, '88 U-66 Sutphen Spirit with a "deeper pickle".

These hulls changes very fast, often between and even during races. CHEERS !!! Bob
So I'm assuming the other hull, which was thinking entered in sooner but I guess not, is the 8410 Tosti. My main concern was making sure I had the pics decal schemes right for each year. Thanks guys
The nice part about the Sutphen Spirit is that it's basically an all white boat with black lettering on the deck and wing. The Tosti and Tosti Too both had the same paint job other than the canard on the 8410 and lack there of on the 8025
Don't forget ... In 1984 the "new" hull (8410) had a DNF at Miami, 5th place at Syracuse and was withdrawn at Evansville. The 8025 then ran as Competition Specialties and Tosti Asti for the next 2 races, finishing 3rd and 5th respectively. The 8410 returned after that and finished the season with a 5th in the Gold Cup, 2nd in Seattle, a DNS in San Diego. 8th at Lake of the Ozarks and, finally, a win at the Clear Lake World Championship. That hull went on to become the Miss 7/Eleven, Cellular One, Vantage Ultra, Winston Eagle, Superior Racing and Pete's Wicked Ale. In 1995 it was destroyed in a flip at Tri-Cities. Last I heard, the 8025 was in Detroit - owned by Dave Bartush.