Painting Suggestions


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Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2005
This if for all of you do it yourselfers out there - what is the prefered choice of paints/clears for painting rc boats and by what means do you apply it. Are you guys applying it w/ an actual paint gun, aerosol can, or airbrush perhaps. Your input would greatly be appreciated !!! :unsure:
Nitro Nemesis

I use ppg paint and ppg 2021 clear this is a 3 part mix and this is applyed with a spray gun. I have had good results with this paint.The clear will stand up to 70% nitro.

Dave Roach
I second what Dave said, I use the same stuff

High solids clear is the only way to go for Nitro aplications..

PPG is widely used by modelers due to its great choice of colors and fuel resistance despite its high final cost but it pays off ...its my favorite and unique brand.You can aplly it using a HVLP gun or improve details with an airbrush but painting a boat can be a pain in your neck so if don't have experience take care.

nitro nemasis;

It all really depends on what you want to spend, what you are doing with boat, (show boat, race boat) that will be raced hard???

The reason I say it this way, is this If you race, your going to get hit, your going to drop the starter on the deck, your going to slip with the wrench while loosening the shaft, so-on and so-on.

I have use rattle cans Aerosol paint for my base coats ($4.00 a can) and cleared with Imron, PPG, NAPA Auto parts Tech base paints.

When you get ready to apply your clear, your first couple of coats should be very light (dust coats) so it can adhear to the base coat, but not eat into it, let them get almost tack free them start to flood the 3rd and 4th coats to a good wet look.

This works well when you want to use flourecent colors, in your paint job just stop by the Home Depot, or Lowes, and buy Krylon flourecent colors and go to town.

Before you do this. call you local Auto paint supplier, and ask for pricing on there Flourecent colors?!?!?!?!?

Shoot, years ago, I painted a 1/8th scale hydro with Benjaman Moore Impervo Enamel, and cleared it with Dupont imron, and it was good for more than 10 years, the only reason it was re-painted was the paint scheme, was changed.

Just my 2 cents worth

I guess I should have been more specific, I also use Spray cans as my color coats and then use PPG clear over the top of them. I use the little cans you buy at the hobby shop, I think they are parma, or pactra? The clear wont attack these cans, I also use Krylon as mentioned, the clear wont attack it either. DO NOT USE PLASTICOTE with PPG high solids clear, doesnt matter how heavy or light you spray it, the plasticote will krinkle and burn when clear applied.

Thanks guys, the info is great - trying to keep my painting as cheap as possible and hopefully I will be doing some racing this year...hard to find a crowd of people interested in this sport nearby that knows a thing or two - got my first rc boat early this year which was the miss bud - *junk* and have since then acquired a .12 firefighter and a prather tunnel w/ a 13 cc - hope it doesn't fly away. I've been using dupli - color engine enamels and clear all of the same brand. It's supposed to be fuel proof and oil proof and seems to hold up really well w/ 30 % nitro - but I'm going to start running 50 % this coming year and I have no clue if it will hold up - if not I guess I can try the imron clear over my base coats. I'm not big on elaborate color schemes because I'm already finding out how much abuse these boats take from first hand experience !
I am partial to K&B superpoxy and Hobbypoxy. Unfortunately none of which is available today.

I have since discovered Klasskote, which is compatible with Hobbypoxy and Superpoxy (but not Ultrapoxy). So far I am happy with it. I have a boat that was painted in Hobbypoxy red and needed a touch up job. I still have the color but no more catalyst. Mixing Klasskote catalyst with Hobbypoxy color resulted in a finish that is just as durable as the original.

I just bought PPG OMNI Acrylic Urenthane and paid the following.

2 pint of paint $17.50 ea (1 pint each of yellow and metalic blue.)

8 oz Hardner $12.50

1 pint of reducer $6.00

Mix ratio is 4:1:1 paint : reducer: hardner

~ $55.00 total with tax

I use single stage paint (no clear) for a race boat. Makes touchups a breaze. No problems with fuel or radiobox tape.
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I guess I should have been more specific, I also use Spray cans as my color coats and then use PPG clear over the top of them. I use the little cans you buy at the hobby shop, I think they are parma, or pactra? The clear wont attack these cans, I also use Krylon as mentioned, the clear wont attack it either. DO NOT USE PLASTICOTE with PPG high solids clear, doesnt matter how heavy or light you spray it, the plasticote will krinkle and burn when clear applied.

Hi this Plasticote you are talking about is that the paint made for lexan car bodies??

P.S. the problem i have here in Oz is that people in the states refer to products by there brand names , often none of them are available here (stuff like PPG is of course), if you guys could remember could you please let us know what the product is used for or type of product , then we can find an equivalant in this country

and im certainly not having a go at anyone , just hoping to find an equivalent to tried products

Plasticote, is a brand. Its used widely for a number of products, they make a big array of paints for the auto bussiness, like engine paont ect. it can be found at more car part splaces and maybe even walmart type places. My point is that if you have an aeresol can of paint that you want to use as color and then clear over with auto paint, test it out first! It will save alot of time and headache.

posted by Roxyflash,

You should try some Klass Kote its epoxy and is fuel proof.They sell it in small sizes so you dont have to buy more than you need
This is great! I didn't know that anybody made epoxy paints anymore. I thought the treehuggers (EPA) pretty much banned the stuff. Oops! Maybe we ought to be quiet about this :unsure: :D !

I like to use the clear epoxy paint but not for clearcoating over colored paints. It will turn yellow and make your bright, beautiful paint job look like its 40 years old overnight :eek: . I learned this the hard way.

posted by Dan,

I just bought PPG OMNI Acrylic Urenthane and paid the following.
2 pint of paint $17.50 ea (1 pint each of yellow and metalic blue.)

8 oz Hardner $12.50

1 pint of reducer $6.00

Mix ratio is 4:1:1 paint : reducer: hardner

~ $55.00 total with tax
This is the non-clearcoat paint that you were talking about?

Guys that are using the standard base coat, clear coat paints: Can you post your cost breakdowns for the rest of us as Dan did? Thanks!
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Yes this is the single stage paint, as I have found clear coat unnessary for a good shiny finish. You can put a clear over it for an extra $17.50 of you like.

The max nitro I've run is 60% and haven't had a problem with it messing up the paint.
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DuPont has a full line of automotive single step epoxy paints. They are easy to spray, very fuel proof and available at any DuPont paint shop. It is called Ful-thane.

Eric Canto

The Speed Shop
DuPont has a full line of automotive single step epoxy paints. They are easy to spray, very fuel proof and available at any DuPont paint shop. It is called Ful-thane.
Are these epoxy or urethane? I looked them up because I'm still researching the alternatives. It appears they are urethane, which means they should have similar properties as the PPG Omni, including their extreme toxicity. Anyone considering these things (which I am) should be sure to research the safety aspects before deciding.
YES by all means use a respirator for paint vapors and paint in a well ventilated space. NOT the cheapie sanding repirators.

Don't forget nitrile gloves and wear clothes you don't mind paint getting on and STAYING on forever.

Better the clothes than your skin.