Paint codes?


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Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2005
Time to order the paint for a Notre Dame 1/8 Scale. I thought this had been brought up before but found nothing in a search.


Contact Bill Brandt(allrc), he's built one and probably has the codes for the blue and white as well as a few other details you may need to know
Thanks Mark, I should have remembered Bill ran that hull for years. He gave me some good advice on turn fins for the 1/8 scale boats about 5 or 6 years ago.

This is the formula I used in my most recent blue over white for the 72 Notre Dame. It appeared spot on.

Thanks Bill, Is that a PPG or OMNI paint code? I've also been stumped on the round ND logo for the front of the cowl. Logo was not included with graphics. Bob Johnson was kind enough to send a pic of the logo- but unsure of the actual diameter and it is not shown on Newtons paint sheet.

Thanks Bill, Is that a PPG or OMNI paint code? I've also been stumped on the round ND logo for the front of the cowl. Logo was not included with graphics. Bob Johnson was kind enough to send a pic of the logo- but unsure of the actual diameter and it is not shown on Newtons paint sheet.

Pretty sure Omni copy of Concept. Either way ppg dealer made it for me..I know Wes Ellet has the logo and I'm pretty sure Mike McKnight has it too. Wesley's isn't selling their stuff now but he'll supply it for a donation.. Let me know if I can help further.
Bill. I'll send a P.M . I thought this is a simple paint scheme but over the years I've found nothing is so simple it can't be screwed up

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