Paint codes for Miss Peters & May


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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2008
This may be a stab in the dark, anyone know what color the U37 used for the new paint job. It looks like a fluorescent yellow.
This may be a stab in the dark, anyone know what color the U37 used for the new paint job. It looks like a fluorescent yellow.
Most likely have to get a hold of someone from the team.... Nice boat though....nice colors on alot of them this year....
This may be a stab in the dark, anyone know what color the U37 used for the new paint job. It looks like a fluorescent yellow.
Most likely have to get a hold of someone from the team.... Nice boat though....nice colors on alot of them this year....
if you cant? I think I can . I got a pretty good eye for colors plus I'll get ahold of Nate Brown U-17 and see if he can find out.. They where racing each other to madison to see who's gets there first.well they where following each other.
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I sent an email to the u37 team. I'll give it a week to see if I get something , that be great if you could do that misshydro.
The odds of getting color codes from any of the west coast boats prior to August will be slim. I'll be at SeaFair all three days so I'll see what I can find out then.
The odds of getting color codes from any of the west coast boats prior to August will be slim. I'll be at SeaFair all three days so I'll see what I can find out then.
dont say slim.. aways think possitive.. U-17 has there paint codes listed on there website.
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They are the exception, and when I went and looked, they were for two years ago. The website also said that they changed paint for this year so it will be different than on the website. Getting back to the U-37, I personnally know some of the guys on the U-37 team so I can ask them at SeaFair in August. Same deal with Dave Villwock, I can ask him for the Qatar numbers at SeaFair unless some of the other scale guys beat me to it at Tri-Cities in three weeks(Pakman, AllRC that's a hint to you guys, maybe Chet-the-Jet as well)
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That be great if you could I have the hull im buying parts for. It be great to get the color right so the scale can look just as good.
That be great if you could I have the hull im buying parts for. It be great to get the color right so the scale can look just as good.
Ok just got a measage from Nate Brown,said he'll get ahold of Scott Rainey to get the paint codes for me.
Awesome misshydro, that's cool that you know people with that info. Can't wait to see what it is.
Awesome misshydro, that's cool that you know people with that info. Can't wait to see what it is.
this is one meassage he left about joe...Nate Brown The thanks goes to you and Joe!! He did a nice job and was a hoot to have on the team for a bit!!! Keep up the good work and chat soon !!! this is his reply about getting the paint codes...Nate Brown July 5 at 5:44pm I will ask Scott Rainey when I see him. Glad you had a good time in Madison
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Hey everyone just got a reply from the guy running the web site. Gave me the codes and asked if I take pictures Of the build he post it on website.
Hey everyone just got a reply from the guy running the web site. Gave me the codes and asked if I take pictures Of the build he post it on website.
cool..I'd figured one of us/you or me would be able to get the paint codes.. compaired to a person saying slim chance of getting it. :angry: Most of these teams will help us in these area because they love us the fans plus helps promote there teams and get people intersted in unlimited hydroplane racing.. B)
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Misshydro, since you insist on slamming me every chance you get, let me give you a little reallity. Past inquiries on paint codes and other boat information with some of the teams by many modelers was met with refusals and/or "Wait until we get home" responses. Just because one team was helpful doesn't mean they all are. BTW, you order your Pay'N Pak kit yet? Times awasting to get ready for next summer :p
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Misshydro, since you insist on slamming me every chance you get, let me give you a little reallity. Past inquiries on paint codes and other boat information with some of the teams by many modelers was met with refusals and/or "Wait until we get home" responses. Just because one team was helpful doesn't mean they all are. BTW, you order your Pay'N Pak kit yet? Times awasting to get ready for next summer :p
HJ most of these teams now are very helpfull.Maybe because some guys get shut down on getting paint codes doesnt mean everyone will...Maybe with asking nicely without MR know it all attudes and snide remarks ,you'll get better responce alot quicker&faster...BTW get one of your scales done,I'll have two of them done,I got somthing better that payn'n pak to go against you..
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Misshydro, since you insist on slamming me every chance you get, let me give you a little reallity. Past inquiries on paint codes and other boat information with some of the teams by many modelers was met with refusals and/or "Wait until we get home" responses. Just because one team was helpful doesn't mean they all are. BTW, you order your Pay'N Pak kit yet? Times awasting to get ready for next summer :p
HJ most of these teams now are very helpfull.Maybe because some guys get shut down on getting paint codes doesnt mean everyone will...Maybe with asking nicely without MR know it all attudes and snide remarks ,you'll get better responce alot quicker&faster...BTW get one of your scales done,I'll have two of them done,I got somthing better that payn'n pak to go against you..
I have to agree that most teams are quite helpful when you ask at a good time Sometimes even at a bad time.

In 1991 I hit a buoy and broke a seam on my Miss Budweiser. This was during race week in Tri-Cities. I knew the real team had the fiberglass I needed to fix it. I sheepishly went up to Bernie and asked if they might be able to lend me some. He said "**** right we'll help you, go over to Ron Brown and tell him what you need."

Now I reluctantly go up to Ron, who is talking with someone else. i wait patiently and Bernie comes up and asks if Ron has helped me yet. I explain I am waiting and Bernie grabs Rin away from his conversation and tells him "Harry runs the little Miss Budweiser and he has broken his boat. You guys give him whatever help he needs!"

As I am looking for a deep hole to crawl into three crew members come over and check out the damage. They then brew up some hisol and fiberglass and THEY repair the boat for me. This is on Friday of race week! Now if anyone ever wonders why I am a big Miss Budweiser fan you know why.

Ever since then they were always helpful whenever I wanted or needed something. Private tours of the shop for my friends, no problem, paint codes, decal manufacturer, no problem. They treated me as nicely as you can imagine.

Bernie may have been aggressive and an egomaniac but he was a straight shooter and took care of many little people. I have several other stories of where I saw him get involved, not with just fans, but anyone who had a problem and tried to help fix it. I choose to remember those times, rather than the race wins and such, when I think of him.

The pic is of Bernie checking out the results with Tom Maxfield and myself.



  • Bernie Supervises Bud Repairs 1991 small.jpg
    Bernie Supervises Bud Repairs 1991 small.jpg
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Hey everyone just got a reply from the guy running the web site. Gave me the codes and asked if I take pictures Of the build he post it on website.

Since you got the codes, please post them here so we can save them for posterity.

Great story Harry! Here is one, over the years of crewing on the U-25, Bernie would always walk up to me put his arm around my shoulder and ask How's it gooing today? The boat is looking good keep up the good work. He was always helpful twards me as well and very genuine. John.

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