OT- this just seems wrong


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Don Ferrette

Staff member
Supporting Member
Nov 25, 2003
Here's 2 words that should strike fear into any homeowner- eminent domain. The fact that the Supreme Court has recently ruled in favor of eminent domain for private development projects is really wrong. Eminent domain was originally conceived with the idea of eliminating urban blight but this takes it to new level, people live there & have been calling it home for years. How would you like to have your local government seize your nice waterfront home for the sake of private developers & stuffing the tax coffers. Anyone know this area? Are these ramshackle shacks or regular well kept homes? :blink:

NEW LONDON, Conn. - City officials voted to evict two residents whose refusal to give up their riverfront houses helped lead to the U.S. Supreme Court's landmark ruling that governments may seize property for private development projects.

The City Council voted 5-2 in favor of eviction Monday. An attorney for the residents said they are considering continuing to fight.

"You are a disgrace to the city, the state and the nation," one of the residents, Michael Cristofaro, told council members who voted to evict.

The city has been trying for a decade to redevelop the once-vibrant neighborhood at the point where the Thames River joins the sea. Seven homeowners challenged the city's plans to seize the property and build a hotel, convention center and upscale condominiums, saying eminent domain can't be used to make way for private development.

But the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 last year to uphold the city's right to take the homes, saying municipalities have broad power to do so in favor of private development to generate tax revenue.

Since then, five of the homeowners have settled with the city and agreed to leave. Two holdouts, Cristofaro and Susette Kelo, the lead plaintiff in the lawsuit, still refuse to sell.

The vote came five days after a settlement deadline. One resident agreed to a settlement just minutes before Monday's meeting began, The Day of New London reported.

The city attorney plans go to court to seek removal of the remaining two families and obtain the properties in the Fort Trumbull neighborhood, a process that could take three months. Scott Bullock, a lawyer for the residents, said they will consider asking the state to pull funding for the development.

City councilman Robert Pero, who supported the effort to remove the families, noted that the issue has been through state agencies and three courts.

"This was a plan that was well thought out," he said. "The development of this peninsula needs to move forward."

But Charles Frink, one of the two council members who voted against the plan, said supporters should admit their mistake.

"I can't accept a possible reduction in taxes by having neighbors thrown out of their property," he said. "This is morally abhorrent to me. I refuse to profit from my neighbor's pain."
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We've been seeing this too much lately here in this area also and the laws are being revised because of what it does to home and business owners. One street here in Kalamazoo, South Westnedge Avenue (Jim Irwin knows it as he used to live on it years ago) has gone from residential to commercial over the years and the city of Portage has used this to toss business owners off their property for redevelopment for insane things just because they can. Property owners are usually given a fraction of the property is worth.
Don I had a similar situation with waterfront property. We have house on a 98 acre lake that my family has owned for over 40 years. A couple years ago the county put forward a proposal to install a bike/walk path around the lake! We fired up the attorney's with all the property owners and got it stopped but I know it's a issue that will come up again. The house sits 35 feet from the water and they wanted 25 feet. Basically we would have lost our front yard. The other thing that was stupid is there is already 400ft. of public access to the lake on one end with boat launch and such. When is enough, enough! Greg
Democrat or Republican, Liberal or Conservative, were all getting screwed by these worthless, power hungry politicians that are in office. I want my country back!!!

It's time to put these power whores out business! :angry: :angry: :angry:
Threaten to take the Judges or Councilmens homes via 'eminent domaim' and see how quick THEY start backpedaling. :angry:
the only positive thing to come out of eminent domain is a town in california is trying to use it to stop wal mart. even though the residents and council are against the addition of a wal mart...the overly huge money grubbing corporation is still likely to win. my little town already has two within a mile of each other, one has been there for years the other is being built. i'd like to see that town in california win, it would make my day.
It's helping fight Wal-Mart in Hercules, CA. But if Wal-Mart is not allowed to build the city, more like cow town would have to buy the land back at a minimum of $15 million. Cost W/M like $1.8 million when they bought it. Either Wal-Mart wins.

However, iN Santa Cruz CA, there's a ton of retired senior citizens losing there homes to eminent domain, see's the gov't has found this prime land and is forcing them to leave their water front property ASAP. Kicked to the curb & that SUCKS!
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The 2 who remain will have to pay all the back taxes and get paid for the property at the going rate back to the same date and that was 1999 or 2000. The Lawer said the taxes forone was over 95 grand so it even gets worse. Nice to know the goverment is watching out for use. Vote the people out and keep voting them out until we find ones who are honest and do for us as we want them to do!!!

I think the tax rate is at the current land value so it could go even higher.
The 2 who remain will have to pay all the back taxes and get paid for the property at the going rate back to the same date and that was 1999 or 2000. The Lawyer said the taxes for one was over 95 grand so it even gets worse. Nice to know the goverment is watching out for us. Vote the people out and keep voting them out until we find ones who are honest and do for us as we want them to do!!!

I think the tax rate is at the current land value so it could go even higher.
Where did you read this? :blink:
Vote them out and get some one in who will push for term limits on these "enlightened" judges. :angry:
The Mayor the man and his attorney where on a news show and she said this was the agreement that the city and attornies had agreed to back when all this crap started. I think it was on FOX news or CNN. She said there was nothing she could do about what had been agreed to and that was that. She was real piece of work and seemed to careless about the people involved and more worried about the tax base they where going to get. VOTE THEM OUT!!!!