OT: Question for anyone-American car parts


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Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2002
Sorry for the off topic question, but I know I can trust people on this board!!!!

Just interested to know how common the 2.3 litre Mustang engine is in the US and what does a 2nd hand electronic distributor usually sell for?

I'm building it's little European brother (2.0L pinto motor) with EFI using a fuel/ignition ECU and this dizzy might fit the bill nicely.


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Very popular. I had one for my Ex to drive when she came over, $200 it cost me and it ran great, the Ac leaked gas but I only had to recharge it once every 6 months. $20 a recharge. :D
I would say if you found the right junk yard, the dist would sell for 20-100 bucks i would guess. I dont know i never bought them, but theres alot of the little 4 cylinders mustangs running around here.

you have to be carefull with second hand electronic parts, long was to ship and ship back if it dont work. have to checked on a new/ reconditioned one?

They still use the 2.3 in the rangers. The OHC motor right? They will rev like there is no tommorow. The elec. version would be a snap to get considering all the wrecked rangers out there. I but Tom's estimate was good from 20-100. Even new I wouldn't think more then 100 module included. We use the 2.3 in all the pintos we race in the Pony Stock class in the Weekly racing Series.


Yeah - the OHC motor. Same one as used in the Pinto but with an electronic distributor with no mechanical or vacuum advance (ECU controlled). I know the mustang one is ECU controlled and think the pinto ones had vacuum advance and mechanical advance built in. Does the Ranger distributor have a vac advance?

Thanks guys,

Not the newer ones. Yeah the race motors we build are all mechanical (and vac) no computers allowd! I know that the turbo Mustang had that motor and twin (I think) turbos and it was quick. Try the Napa on line site www.napaonline.com. They are closed for maint now. but you can get an idea what they are going for new. You can put in the approx year you are looking for in with the ranger as the vehicle and I think you will find it. The trucks are where we get our long blocks for racing motors.

Hey Timbo...go to eBay motors and use the "search for".

TONS of stuff for 2.0 and 2.3 Ford parts.
Thanks for the tip PJ.

You could make me spend more money with that suggestion! mmmmm, Cosworth! Cosworth rods
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