OT - Big Dog


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Nov 25, 2006
Just imagine cleaning the yard after this guy!

Just had to share this. Check the picture!

Hercules: The World's Biggest Dog Ever According to Guinness World Records Hercules was recently awarded the honorable distinction of Worlds Biggest Dog by Guinness World Records. Hercules is an English Mastiff and who has a 38 inch neck and weighs 282 pounds.

With "paws the size of softballs" (reports the Boston Herald), the three-year-old monster is far larger and heavier than his breed's standard 200lb. limit. Hercules owner Mr. Flynn says that Hercules weight is natural

and not induced by a bizarre diet: "I fed him normal food and he just "grew"... and grew. and grew. and grew.

Kell: Slightly Smaller, But the World's Heaviest Dog Hercules' sheer volume may have won him the Largest Dog world record, but the Heaviest Dog title still rests with Kell who weighed in at 286 pounds in August of 1999. This English Mastiff, however, only has a 32-inch neck - far less than Hercules' 38-incher. Think about that for a second though - 32 inches is a standard waist size for a man!

Proud owner Tom Scott said Kell is two years old and is expected to continue to grow for the next two years. Kell needs to be fed 100lb of beef every week, and drinks gallons of goats' milk to stay healthy...

This pic is not edited. The guys' name is Mandy Lion and he is a heavy metal studio singer. The dogs are called "Old World Molossians".

Mandy Lion's website

Get past the front page and go to the link for "Living Gargoyles". Check them out. They are Huge.

Thanks. Brad.

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BlackJack Hydros
Just imagine cleaning the yard after this guy!
Just had to share this. Check the picture!

Hercules: The World's Biggest Dog Ever According to Guinness World Records Hercules was recently awarded the honorable distinction of Worlds Biggest Dog by Guinness World Records. Hercules is an English Mastiff and who has a 38 inch neck and weighs 282 pounds.

With "paws the size of softballs" (reports the Boston Herald), the three-year-old monster is far larger and heavier than his breed's standard 200lb. limit. Hercules owner Mr. Flynn says that Hercules weight is natural

and not induced by a bizarre diet: "I fed him normal food and he just "grew"... and grew. and grew. and grew.

Kell: Slightly Smaller, But the World's Heaviest Dog Hercules' sheer volume may have won him the Largest Dog world record, but the Heaviest Dog title still rests with Kell who weighed in at 286 pounds in August of 1999. This English Mastiff, however, only has a 32-inch neck - far less than Hercules' 38-incher. Think about that for a second though - 32 inches is a standard waist size for a man!

Proud owner Tom Scott said Kell is two years old and is expected to continue to grow for the next two years. Kell needs to be fed 100lb of beef every week, and drinks gallons of goats' milk to stay healthy...

My mom emailed me that about a month ago. I think its real.
This pic is not edited. The guys' name is Mandy Lion and he is a heavy metal studio singer. The dogs are called "Old World Molossians".

Mandy Lion's website

Get past the front page and go to the link for "Living Gargoyles". Check them out. They are Huge.
I'm still not buying it. I went to the site you suggested and got the same information as earlier sites. The dogs are typically about 30 inches tall. One of the pictures on the site shows a guy sitting on a chair behind the dog. While the dog is sitting, his front legs are pretty much fully extended. The height of the guy's knee and the dog's shoulders are pretty much the same. Moving on to the picture in question, the dog's shoulders appear to be more than half the guy's height. That puts the dog's height at over 40 inches? Also, other pictures of this breed clearly show heights that are significantly lower. And one more thing of interest, look at the shadows in the picture. The dog's shadow is inconsistant with his size.
Look at the dogs laft rear foot where it meets the ground, and compare it to the other animals/people feet. Its photshopped.

Ive seen these dogs in person, they are big as hell, but that aint a real photo.

Look at the mass of the dog in the picture compared to that of the horse, and man. If it wieghs 285, then I weigh 110. And those who know me, know better than that :)

This pic is not edited. The guys' name is Mandy Lion and he is a heavy metal studio singer. The dogs are called "Old World Molossians".

Mandy Lion's website

Get past the front page and go to the link for "Living Gargoyles". Check them out. They are Huge.
I'm still not buying it. I went to the site you suggested and got the same information as earlier sites. The dogs are typically about 30 inches tall. One of the pictures on the site shows a guy sitting on a chair behind the dog. While the dog is sitting, his front legs are pretty much fully extended. The height of the guy's knee and the dog's shoulders are pretty much the same. Moving on to the picture in question, the dog's shoulders appear to be more than half the guy's height. That puts the dog's height at over 40 inches? Also, other pictures of this breed clearly show heights that are significantly lower. And one more thing of interest, look at the shadows in the picture. The dog's shadow is inconsistant with his size.
I do this crap (photo editing) all the time and to tell the truth, the picture is too low quality to tell anything. I don't buy it though.
Look at the mass of the dog in the picture compared to that of the horse, and man. If it wieghs 285, then I weigh 110. And those who know me, know better than that :)
Boy ain't that the truth, James doesn't look to have ever missed a meal. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sorry 'ol buddy, I can't pass a great opening like that. :p But then again I can stand to shed a few pounds myself. :rolleyes:

BTW- The Springnats just ain't the same without chef J at the grill ..... and the bar. :D
I believe you are right Steve... I have put on a few pounds. I may be up to 140 now. :eek:

Look at the dogs laft rear foot where it meets the ground, and compare it to the other animals/people feet. Its photshopped.
If you go look at Mandy's site you will see her dog's paw next to a softball. The softball looks like a golfball and the dog's paw measures 6-1/2". Measure the width of your foot and then go back and say the pic is photoshopped.
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Im not talking about the size of the foot, look at how the blades of grass are around the other feet compared to the dogs, trust me its a fake. Its been on TV around here its not real... and "Mandy" is a he... :)

***EDIT, here you go, heres some info on this. http://www.zimbio.com/Hercules,+the+World's+Biggest+Dog

its almost as bad as this one..... while comical and not a bad job of actual chopping the images, it aint real. Digital altering technology has come a long way.


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Look at the dogs laft rear foot where it meets the ground, and compare it to the other animals/people feet. Its photshopped.
If you go look at Mandy's site you will see her dog's paw next to a softball. The softball looks like a golfball and the dog's paw measures 6-1/2". Measure the width of your foot and then go back and say the pic is photoshopped.
Rather than comparing against a softball, look at the pic of the guy sitting with the dog. Compare the size of the dog's feet to the guy's boots. After doing that, go back to the picture and compare the size of the dog's feet to the guy's feet and say it's not a fake.

Anyone who goes out and looks at pics of Mastiffs, which this dog clearly is despite all the hogwash about Mandy Lion's dogs being bred with tigers, should be able to easily conclude that the dog has been electronically upsized. :lol:
The pic is a fake, I edited the pic to post it on here. It was a .bmp file that was attached to an email, I changed it to a .jpg :) . I did post some links also stating that I did find that this picture is a FAKE, it would be pretty cool to find a dog that big but it probably wont happen.
