OS .21


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Paul Pachmayer

Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2003
Hey Guys,

Are the OS .21 RGM engines any good for a light weight sport hydro? I'm cross posting this frome the scale board, lots of looks but no responce.

Thanks, Paul.

I have seen these in some mono's and sport 20's before.

They worked quite well in both.

It's a great sport motor and with some mod they really move.

For the price you can't beat them,plus I hear the Car version sleeve work well in the boats.

Hope it helps.

RGM is a very mild engine and if compaired to OS's racing .21 not even close.

Go back 12 years or so the early .21 racing engine was the RXM then came out the RZM and now OS does not market a racing .21 marine but does a car engine, new ID # on it.

There was also the SE-M .21 side exhaust.

And all of those older race versions run much harder than the RGM sport .21 marine.

If you want a 180 degree header .21 engine with some BANG then the CMB .21 long stroke would be the engine to get. OR like those of us who have run them all have done, GET A MAC .21 and be done with it. What an engine !!! :D Scott
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Hi Guys

These are the marine engines that OS still make


You will notice that they still list the 21XM Outboard despite your importer telling you it's not manufacutred anymore <_<

My only other comment would be an RG21 is probably not far off performance of an RX21 and would exceed an EX21. Time moves on 1.7PS (HP) is not bad for a untouched sport motor - kind of makes the K&B look very average.

just my $0.02
Hello Guys,

Thanks for the info. I'm not 100% sold on running a nitro boat so an economical (okay cheap) engine is much more inviting than spending the big coin on a Mac. I've got a 1.5 pound sport 21 hull and if your down on HP making it light is the next best thing. ;) What's the HP rating on the Mac?

Thanks, Paul.
hi!! i'm also in the process of saving some money to buy a nitro engine.. thinking of the OS .21 rg-m, OS .21 rg-mx and .18 k&B.. the boat would be a scratch build 30 in. runabout.. i'm not really thinking of hyper speed, just enough to satisfy a days outing. :D i hope you'll give advices.. htanks a lot
cyslyde, towerhobbies carries a lot of os engines.. visit their site - www.towerhobbies.com

For as light as that hull is that motor would be good. You can always run 50 to 60% nitro in it or have it modified. Hey if your getting a good price on the motor it's worth a shot because it'll hold the value of what you paid for it any ways.
Hello guys,

Well the thing is 115 bucks so the price is certainly right. I figure that most of the sport 21 boats for nitro I've looked at are about 2.5 to 3 pounds so a lighter boat will make up a little for a lower HP motor.

hi! if plans pushed through, i will be buying an engine in a months time.. what would be a good one, a pull start or belt start? this will be my first engine.. i want it to last for a long time. thanks!! as i've mention before, it might be a os .21 rg-m or mx.. or the k&b .18

Avoid the K&B .18, doesn't come with a flywheel so you'll have to make your own. The OS is the safer bet.

I think Gary Pruesse sells the older style OPS .21 side exhaust engines that are really great to run at a good price. Not the fastest on the market like a Nova Rossi or a MAC but they are priced right and will last a long time. My kids use them in their monos and require no real up keep except regular cleaning.

Also, if you call Remy at Aeromarine and ask for an older OPS .21 he'll give you a good price as well.