OPS Rod's from our past ??? about 10-15 year's ago


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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2007
Gaday Guy :D

Just wanting to pick at all your brain's ???? :)

I've got a ops 67 in one of my scale boat's and

ive just broke another standard rod :angry: :( .

The motor is a disc version but im sick of trowing rod's at it and this boat is now only a club day race boat as im building a newer boat with a CMB for the comp's.

About 14 year's ago i use to run OPS motor's in all our boat's and the first thing i use to do is replace the standard rod's with a titanium one's .

Now here's the thing i don't remember who made them and i know that they weren't RPM's as I think they were aluminium not titanium.

All I can really remember is that they weren't bushed on the little end and as for the big end

I remember the oiler hole's weren't on the bottom of the rod like the genuine OPS rod's they were one the top of the radius say if you were looking at a clock and the bearing outer was the outside of the clock the oiler hole's were at about position 10 and 2 .

By any chance do any of you guy's know what they were or if any one has any or know where i could get one for a 67 .I also remember that we use to buy all our motor's and spare's from R&D Hobbies out at Anahine AZ bak then if that help's.

Thanks Brad :(
I got two new in package Keeley Titanium needle bearing rods for OPS 60/67/80. I'd like $70.00 each plus shipping. Also got one NIP Rossi 90 Keeley rod and two NIP Rossi 65 rods (the rossi 65 before the current rossi 67-- may fit the new one if it is the same rod as the old one, but someone else would have to vouch for that.) Rudy I'm at USA 95827 Zip code.
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I got two new in package Keeley Titanium needle bearing rods for OPS 60/67/80. I'd like $70.00 each plus shipping. Also got one NIP Rossi 90 Keeley rod and two NIP Rossi 65 rods (the rossi 65 before the current rossi 67-- may fit the new one if it is the same rod as the old one, but someone else would have to vouch for that.) Rudy I'm at USA 95827 Zip code.
Gaday guys

Thanks Rudy and other's for your help yes im interested it the rods Rudy would you be able to post or email me some pick's.AS for who made the one's we use to run i yas 15 at the time and all i can remember is they came from Rod & Darleen at R&D Hobbie's over your neck of the wood's

Thank's Brad

Email- [email protected]
I got two new in package Keeley Titanium needle bearing rods for OPS 60/67/80. I'd like $70.00 each plus shipping. Also got one NIP Rossi 90 Keeley rod and two NIP Rossi 65 rods (the rossi 65 before the current rossi 67-- may fit the new one if it is the same rod as the old one, but someone else would have to vouch for that.) Rudy I'm at USA 95827 Zip code.
Gaday guys

Thanks Rudy and other's for your help yes im interested it the rods Rudy would you be able to post or email me some pick's.AS for who made the one's we use to run i yas 15 at the time and all i can remember is they came from Rod & Darleen at R&D Hobbie's over your neck of the wood's

Thank's Brad

Email- [email protected]
Jeff Stubbers on www.rcunlimiteds.org has a RPM rod for an OPS, that I have personally looked at, and is a steal at the $30 he is asking... (Non-Needle Rod). Check it out.

David Jensen

R/C Unlimiteds

69' Pak
Gaday All

Thanks Pac Man :)

If I turn for the worse ill end up going with a Rpm Rod. I Was leaning more towards a titanium rod as for some reason the Bardahl Seems to be hard on motor's and especially now as it's going to be handed over to my wife to drive.

( :rolleyes: GOD HELP US :rolleyes: )
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Tried to e-mail you with the picture of the rods, but the e-mail was returned. Please double check your e-mail address that was given. Rudy
I also have a couple of titanium needle bearing rods for the OPS67. The nice thing is that the tiatanium needle rod uses the 7mm crank pin that the bushed OEM tod used. It's not the 6mm crank pin used on the OEM needle bearing rods. I'd like to get $75 for the pair of rods with 1+ set of needles. (some of the needles were lost, so there's not 2 complete sets.

I also have several RPM rods and a can full of OEM rods.
What is it about these OPS engines that causes them to break the rods :angry: ? Are the stock rods just junk?

I broke the original rod in my old OPS 65 about 5 yrs ago. I got a brand new OPS replacement from someone on fleabay but I haven't run it since. I've also got a newer OPS 67 but now I'm scared that I could blow out another rod.
What is it about these OPS engines that causes them to break the rods :angry: ? Are the stock rods just junk?
I broke the original rod in my old OPS 65 about 5 yrs ago. I got a brand new OPS replacement from someone on fleabay but I haven't run it since. I've also got a newer OPS 67 but now I'm scared that I could blow out another rod.
The stock rods were always suspect, the bushings would rotate so the oil holes do not line up, toaste!!! Changed to RPM, have not broken one since. The 3 piece case does not help either, all that said I still run 67's and 80's. Pick one up from Jon T if you can??? B) B)
What is it about these OPS engines that causes them to break the rods :angry: ? Are the stock rods just junk?
I broke the original rod in my old OPS 65 about 5 yrs ago. I got a brand new OPS replacement from someone on fleabay but I haven't run it since. I've also got a newer OPS 67 but now I'm scared that I could blow out another rod.
The stock rods were always suspect, the bushings would rotate so the oil holes do not line up, toaste!!! Changed to RPM, have not broken one since. The 3 piece case does not help either, all that said I still run 67's and 80's. Pick one up from Jon T if you can??? B) B)

YES mate the original rod x3 off ALL did the same thing spun the bush .

SO ive now gone and fitted a CMB Greeny as i dont want to play let's throw money at a OPS

NO more .And as for the motor One of my fello member's where i race out here want's the motor

as He loves the good old OPS :rolleyes: .
What is it about these OPS engines that causes them to break the rods :angry: ? Are the stock rods just junk?
I broke the original rod in my old OPS 65 about 5 yrs ago. I got a brand new OPS replacement from someone on fleabay but I haven't run it since. I've also got a newer OPS 67 but now I'm scared that I could blow out another rod.
The stock rods were always suspect, the bushings would rotate so the oil holes do not line up, toaste!!! Changed to RPM, have not broken one since. The 3 piece case does not help either, all that said I still run 67's and 80's. Pick one up from Jon T if you can??? B) B)
Yeah, I think that is what happened to the rod that I blew out. I've PMed Jon.