OPS Pipes I have


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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2002
Got the box out and found 4 pipes NIB that all say 29-40 on the ops box. 2 are muffled and 2 are nitro. The muffled have the following number on the box, 4920. The nitro pipes do not have a number only the 29-40 thing on them

I also have a 6270 nitro, a 6280 muffled, , and another nitro that only says 60 nit on it. I also have a muffled 692.

Regards Curt
How much do you want for the 29-40 nitros and the 6270? Thanks
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Guys ,

I will sell some of them but want to keep a few for sport boating projects I have. I had no idea folks would be interested in them!! :blink: I got them in a trade 2 yrs ago and just figured they'd be ok for any fun, sport boats I might build later.

I am at work now but will post pics this evening if I can. May need help with that. If I send the pics by email to someone would they post them for me????

Also, it will be around 9pm central time before I can get to it.

Regards Curt
;) Those old 29-40 OPS pipes are GREAT High Nitro pipes on a .21 race engine and only need to be stingered down to @ .280 and they will run Very Very well at @ 8 1/4" to 8 1/2" from plug to weld.

PS. These pipes you can no longer get and 10+ years ago were THE PIPE TO RUN.

Good Luck. :D Scott
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I am just now home and need to leave for Marion, Il where my son lives first thing in the morning. :rolleyes:

I will take the pics and post them as soon as I get back Tues or Wed.

I hate to do that but hopefully you are willing to wait till then. I need to pack this evening.

I guarantee you I will have them posted at the latest next Wed. Better yet , those who requested the pics or want to have them sent to you just send me an email and when I get back everyone who has done that will get them first because I am not sure how to post pics on this site.

Regards Curt
Oh Scott,

Thanks for the continued good input!! You amaze me sometimes with the stuff you come up with. Experience certainly has its place in this hobby. You are a perfect example of that. I appreciate your knowledge man.

regards Curt