Once Again I call on your knowledge.


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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2005
Ok gents I am getting ready to take my hull to paint. she is all mocked up and the first run went real smooth and if thats what a stock 260 will get out of her what its going to be like modded. But I digress, I need your help on a paint job I am thinking about doing miss bud and dont know the color of red I need to use but I also wnat to look aroung at other paint schemes to see if I like any others so please help me out Thanks again for your help Navy Dave.
Ok gents I am getting ready to take my hull to paint. she is all mocked up and the first run went real smooth and if thats what a stock 260 will get out of her what its going to be like modded. But I digress, I need your help on a paint job I am thinking about doing miss bud and dont know the color of red I need to use but I also wnat to look aroung at other paint schemes to see if I like any others so please help me out Thanks again for your help Navy Dave.
well if you looking for a different paint schemces look here newtons plans and another good one is newtonmarine smugmugas far as the paint code go we'll need to know what year miss bud you looking to do. I hope this helps

I posted the Budweiser paint codes in the thread titled

"Difference between 86 &87 Bud "

Go take a look it is about 5 messages or so from the beginning.
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If you're talking paint color, I'm not sure. The paint colors look pretty similar. I had a real difficult time finding Sikkens paint. I knew a body shop guy who was able to get some for me and paint my boat. Harry Gatjens would probably know the exact color if it was different. If you're talking boats the T-4 had the vented hull.
The paints codes were the same on both boats. And Sikkens 359 red is correct.

The T-3 and T-2 were both regular type hulls, while the T-4 is the two-wing boat, which tested but did not race that year. I think it only raced once and that was in 1995, although my mind is somewhat gone by this time of the day.

The T-2 only ran once in the red paint scheme and that was at the San Diego race. It ran in Seattle too but was painted Gold at that point. The plan had been to leave it Gold and send it to the Smithsonian,but it was rushed into service when the T3 crashed during testing in Seattle.

Since the T2 only ran in San Diego while red, you would have to run it with the salt water scoop. This is the boat that is pictured on those Chip Hanauer, Miss Budweiser Steins. The T2 has a slightly longer cockpit nose and a slightly thinner (front to back) canard than the T3.

If you need decals my suggestion is to get them from Graffix in Seattle. They make mine, I use them because they made the ones for the real boat and they just scaled them down for me. . So you know they are correct. Plus being a professional graphics house, their work is a little better than most. When the boat was first painted red I went down to the shop to take pics so I could have the graphics made and Ron Brown's wife, Cookie, hooked me up with these guys

Of course, that comes at a price. Probably double what most of the guys here charge. I think my last set was a little over $200. I redid both my boats this past year and the graphics do look spectacular. If you want Graffix contact info, let me know.

I forgot one other thing about using Graffix, when you order the decals today, they send them to you in less than a week. Not in a couple of months.
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So where would I be able to buy some of this paint and how much would it cost. Oh yeah how much would I need to paint one hull? Thanks.
Here are the codes for the other two colors.

Red 359

Black 242SS

White 00

Sikkens is an automotive paint so you would need to find a supplier for body shops. I am not sure how easy it is to find these days and it may not be available in economical sizes. At one point I heard they weren't selling it in anything less than gallon sizes.

The sizes you need are red - 1 pint the other two colors, the minimum size you can get them to sell you. Of course you need to buy the affiliated reducers, primers, hardners etc.

Look at spending close to $300 on the paint alone.

If you can't find sikkens, I have some codes for paints that match in another brand, Deltron I believe. I can look them up tomorrow if you need. Let me know.
Dave's boat is the T-4. B)

Dave, go make a friend at a local body shop that shoots Sikkens or PPG. I have yet to find a painter who doesn't think these boats are cool. Being a solid red paint scheme you might get it shot cheap. ;)
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Dave's boat is the T-4. B)

Dave, go make a friend at a local body shop that shoots Sikkens or PPG. I have yet to find a painter who doesn't think these boats are cool. Being a solid red paint scheme you might get it shot cheap. ;)
Yep they think they are real neat just don't tell them how much you got invested in one of the babies or they might think you are looking for a first class price................ :p
I have $300 invested in just paint, hardener, reducers and clear for my 1/12 scale boat. So you might want to start buttering up your wife now. You might be able to e-mail someone who sell sikkens and have them look up what the manufactures original number ( like 2005 GM 8474) then you could take that number to any paint supplier (PPG, S W or Dupont) and they can mix it up for you. I have had some paint guys mix up 1/2 pints, but be warned most of the formulas are for a pint so 1/2 pints could be off color wise.
It kind of depends on what you are going to do with the boat. If you want to run it as a scale unlimited, you probably get stuck with the higher bill for the paint. As I said, I have the codes for non-sikkens paint if you can't find a sikkens dealer, but the cost will be near the same. All automotive paints are expensive.

If however, you aren't going to run as a "scale" then you can use a less exepnsive type paint and find a red that is close.


As for running a differnet paint scheme for a scale boat, you are out of luck. The T-4 never ran as anything other than the Budweiser is it's two-wing configuration. While it is the current LLumars boat, it has been so extensively modified that it would never make sense to try and do that with your model.
Automotive paint is getting really expensive. My dealer told me that they'd be raising their prices on Deltron PPG at the end of April.

Other bummer news I got was my Body shop connection that gave me all their pints, and quarts of left over PPG paint will be moving to Nevada this summer. My customers loved me for saving them a lot of money by choosing from my paint cans rather then buying all new stuff. Plus, now I'll be spening more myself! :(

Another suggestion I have for some of you guys on a tight budget to try is going from body shop to body shop and ask for their left over paints. Many years ago when I was teaching myself to paint I found a body shop in Oakland, Ca. that was paying to have their left over Deltron PPG's paints thrown away, when I asked if I could have them to practice with they practically threw me a party! :lol: You'd be surprised how much it costs to recycle paints.
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