Once again....GP3300 cells


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Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2001
I was over reading on the other forum and I saw plenty of ignorant comments about GP3300 cells.

Cells matched at 20 amps will and can produce 1.19 average voltage. 1.19 is equivialent to a 1.16 @ 30 amps. The 1.17 would be over 1.20 at 30 amps.

Which current level is best for matching? I think it's fairly simple logic, the higher you go, the better for sprint boat racing. I don't think any class runs at 20 amps anymore except maybe a crackerbox.

New additional information that we have discovered about GP3300 cells:

These cells self discharge at different levels just sitting around. This different discharge rate can be a problem.

1. Slow charge packs made with non-matched cells the first time @ a very slow rate. <300mah. This slow charge will allow for all cells to be charged completly. Yes, even virgin cells are at different charge levels.

2. Repete this process if packs have been sitting for over 1 or 2 weeks.

3. New cycled or newly matched cells can be used asap without any process.

More information:

All cells with green/orange shrink are the same as Rainbow or sometimes refered to "New Red" shrink. The only difference is the deviation from date code to date code. We have two new batches right now and the green/yellow happen to be better than the "red". The batch in fact is the best I have ever seen. All cells are 400+ 1.160-1.175 @ 30 amps.

So the bottom line is....

Racers that are sponsored are never going to tell you the truth and posts false information to allow for them to sell cells for the sponsor. The truth is that they have the best cells and your offered the lower values.
Okay...comparison cells..fresh, just ran

409 1.163 6.0 30 17

618 1.193 6.0 20 13

401 1.167 6.0 30 17

604 1.201 6.0 20 13

409 1.163 6.0 30 16

606 1.197 660 20 12

414 1.169 6.0 30 16

615 1.203 6.0 20 12

goodbye myth, hello facts.
One other point...all that is need to get that IR down to 11 on the 20 amp run is to heat the cell up to about 85 degrees. We run ours at room temp around 76 degrees.
Dont waste your time Steve! It falls on deaf ears.

By the way how much do you charge retail for 1.20 20amp dis cells?

Steven Vaccaro

The big rif in the gallaxy on the "Red Board" is that someone asked the question of whether the cells were tested at 20 or 30 amps.

Some people got all in a huff because there was no indication of the discharge used and they though it was misleading.

The site in question has since been changed to indicate a 20 amp rate.

Again the original post goes astray to senseless bickering about who supports who, and I'm not frends with him, because he's friends with someone else.

In a conversation this morning with the owner of the site questioned, he stated that he could not figure out what all the fuss was about. His cells have always been top notch, and will continue to be so. Why everyone went nuts and started to get in to a big tizzy was beyond both of us.

Amazing how the person that truly knows this stuff (AKA Steve, the guy that started this post) was banned from the "Red Board" some time ago for calling it like it was. Guess he was not friends with the correct people. ;D

The question on discharge has been brought up a few times. And never quite answered. Why? Fullers races frequent the rrr board.

I do owe Mr. Fuller an apology and have done so publicly on rrr. I should have asked him directly instead of making an assumption in a public forum.

Steven Vaccaro


thanks for the objective data it cuts thru all the guff

and that little tip - we gonna see cell warmers?

gee those cells are consistent or am i imagining that?

Andrew Gilchrist
Consistant.....that's kinda funny in a way....I just grabed those from a pile. Yes they are consistant...if you notice some things though.......

A low 1.16 makes a 1.19. A high 1.16 makes a 1.20. I need to run some of the 1.17's and see what they do ;)

thanks for the comments.....

Well, $6.85 for 1.16's....some of these are 1.120's

$8.85, all of these are beyond 1.120's.

But the price difference can be that some buy the cells....we just purchased 4 new 35 amp matchers and match ourselves. We use the older machines for break in cycles and the new ones at the end to make certain everything is right on.

This is not really about selling cells though...it's about the truth and facts.



Dont waste your time Steve! It falls on deaf ears.

By the way how much do you charge retail for 1.20 20amp dis cells?

Steven Vaccaro

Steve were the cells you tested green/yellow or rainbow?

Steven Vaccaro

All of these are yellow/green

411 1.171 6.0 30 17

619 1.203 6.0 20 13

408 1.172 6.0 30 16

618 1.204 6.0 20 12

404 1.174 6.0 30 16

607 1.207 6.0 20 12

405 1.173 6.0 30 16

608 1.202 6.0 20 12

More data on slightly better cells

edited to correct color on cells

"30 amp discharge rates are in the minority. 20 has probably been the most accepted rate in the industry. Do I feel it's right that people would assume his numbers were run at 30 amps? Only if it was listed as such. It wasn't and never has. "

Almost nobody does 20 amp matching on 3300 cells

SMC = no

Trinity = no

Pro Match = no

Ballistic = no

B&T = yes

Ray Fuller = buys cells

Rum Runners = buys cells

Robotic Power Solutions = only matcher that has raced boats 30 amps

Sorry to jump in on the electric threads, but I found this post really interesting / familiar.

About 10 years ago I used to race cars and this sort of business was quite common even back then. I had a sponsorship from a pretty well known car part company and I also got some cells from another lesser known matcher. The numbers on the Big name packs were higher, but funnily enough they didn't perform anywhere near as good as the other brand. I found out why at a world champs when the big name driver and his enterage (sp?) turned up with a crate full of cells for the event. They gave some to the local sponsored drivers on loan but had to give them back! What they sell as good is actually the rejects. Battery wars killed my passion for car racing unfortunately.

Only recently have I considered maybe getting back into electrics on the basis that the newer cells are not so critical as it was back then. Is this the case or was I misinformed?


PS. Steve - thanks for the honest info - out of curiousity - why / how did you get kicked off of a forum?
I got kicked because Don sells products and I told the truth about some in NAMBA and topics just like this one.

It's simple, you can't have the truth and sell lies.

Very sad that S#it like that goes on!

Anyways - that site's loss is IW's gain - glad you are here telling it as it should be told.

You see, this is typical

"Well I hope everyone got their say.... hahaha

Guess we can chalk it up to another of the great cell debates we've had over the many years!! LOL"

Cover it up and sell more parts tomorrow.......

I hope that this threads shows some people exactly what goes on, on some of the forums that sell products.



I'm racing boats tomorrow. I have my friends in the Midwest, which is the largest group of boat racers on the planet.

Going to Huntsville in Oct with Ed Hughey and can't wait.


I got kicked because Don sells products and I told the truth about some in NAMBA and topics just like this one.

It's simple, you can't have the truth and sell lies.

Steve, there is no question you ruffled a few feathers on the RRR forum, including Don, Ray's and Dick's among others. But, if I remember right (and I remember that night pretty well!) it was when you reverted to name calling, accusations and innuendoes that got you banned from the site.

I do respect you, Steve and the work you have done on cells for FE, I don't think there is another matcher that has done more for the FE hobby regarding cell research and testing, in fact the last cells I bought were from Steve, 3000GP's, man I need some new cells! ;)
One other point...all that is need to get that IR down to 11 on the 20 amp run is to heat the cell up to about 85 degrees. We run ours at room temp around 76 degrees.

Are you referring to the cell temp prior to charging? Just trying to clarify the point, my 3300's usually enter discharge at 130+ degrees following a 5 amp charge with a 0.01v peak delta.

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