Jim, This is one of our really, really old hulls. Are you looking to restore the boat to fun run with? If you are wanting to race competitively in the 21 class, save your self some time and buy a JAE kit from ZIPP. To respond to your questions.The shaft log can be removed by heating the brass tubing near the transom end to soften the epoxy holding the tubing to the bottom. The brass block soldered to the tubing will need to be removed before heating and pulling the tubing out. The motor mount was a plate style and should be removed and replaced with a rubber vibration side mount. The rear sponsons (wings) will work the way they are. They can be removed by just sawing them off and sanding the sides of the hull flat. I have tried putting the JAE style skid on our bottom design and it did not work very well!!! Did you get the front sponsons with the boat? If you want to build the boat to original, I have some OPS 21 engines that we used in these boats. I will sell them to you real cheap. They are in good shape and there are lots of spare parts. Jerry Betke