O/T Any one a Cop?


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Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2004
Not been my month. Speeding ticket that was honestly bogus, and tonight got stuck in a line of trafic in the middle of a Photo Enforced intersection-smile for the camera! I have never had a blemmish on my reccord and would like to keep it that way. Any help? Not those $29.95 books on line either please. I am full willing to go into detail of either incident if that will help.

Watercadet said:
Not been my month. Speeding ticket that was honestly bogus, and tonight got stuck in a line of trafic in the middle of a Photo Enforced intersection-smile for the camera! I have never had a blemmish on my reccord and would like to keep it that way. Any help? Not those $29.95 books on line either please. I am full willing to go into detail of either incident if that will help.Adam


Hey Adam-

I know you're not going to like hearing this but the photo ticket is not a bogus ticket. A friend of mine is a cop (up in northern Virginia where these photo intersections are rather common) & we've actually had this discussion before in the past. If traffic is moving that slowly or backed up it is the driver's responsibility to be aware & not wind up blocking an intersection or being in a position to trip the camera as the light cycles. The sensors pick up vehicle movement on the change to red signal before you pass the light so if you were entering the intersection & tripped the camera you were still running a red light. If you had not already crossed into the intersection on yellow you should have stopped. He told me he has had this conversation with many drivers but bottom line is red is red & you tripped the camera being where you weren't supposed to be. Sorry dude........... :(
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Don's exactly correct. The system had 2 triggers. The first one arms the system when the light turns red. Then the second one is tripped when you cross the mag strip before the intersection. This means you had not entered the intersection when the light was red. It's fool proof and it stands up in court better than radar. I'd pay the fine and be done with it. Contesting it will not change the outcome and will cost the taxpayers.
I kinda figured on the camera one since it can't lie, but that just makes me more worried about the speeding violation. Two points in a month; and I really am not a bad driver!
Talk to a lawyer i always do they can get you on court suppervision and wont go on your license against you but will cost but it keeps your insurance from going up.I drive for a living and any ticket is a bad one because are company checks it every year.
Man good luck with it, There is a speed trap just north of our airport here, I was in a GROUP of five cars and was not the lead vehicle and got nailed, to which I said I was the third car from the front relative to the cops radar and still got nailed, one way the speed limit is 45 north bound, but 35 south bound thangs. Long story short talked to the watch commander and several others, turns out I was the only car outta five that he got a lock on. Went to court lost and payed the fine plus court costs, I DONT USE THAT ROAD ANYMORE!!!!!!! :lol: ;)

Gene :D
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Roxyflash said:
Talk to a lawyer i always do they can get you on court suppervision and wont go on your license against you but will cost but it keeps your insurance from going up.I drive for a living and any ticket is a bad one because are company checks it every year.

Lawyers may help in an average traffic violation based on an officers visuals or judgement but the red light cameras don't get beat in court. Also, as my cop buddy told me, most judges tend to get irritated when people come in & try to do just that. This usually results in fines far larger than if you just sucked it up & paid it without trying to beat something with a zero human error factor. <_<
Don Ferrette said:
Roxyflash said:
Talk to a lawyer i always do they can get you on court suppervision and wont go on your license against you but will cost but it keeps your insurance from going up.I drive for a living and any ticket is a bad one because are company checks it every year.

Lawyers may help in an average traffic violation based on an officers visuals or judgement but the red light cameras don't get beat in court. Also, as my cop buddy told me, most judges tend to get irritated when people come in & try to do just that. This usually results in fines far larger than if you just sucked it up & paid it without trying to beat something with a zero human error factor. <_<


Agreed. Paying the fine when your guilty is the right thing to do.

About the speeding ticket........

Don't know about your state.......... but here in Illinois, you can go to "traffic school" to get the ticket removed from your record. You pay a fee and spend 4 or 8 hours( depending on what kind of ticket) in a simple rules of the road class. then you are on probation for that ticket for a few months.

The fee is about as much as the fine for the ticket, and you have to take a day off to go to the class...........but It doesn't go on your record.

In my experiance judges don't like people who try to fight tickets. If you fight it, you better have plenty of proof!

Good luck,

Bob the Fool :blink:
Foolwitools said:
About the speeding ticket........ 
Don't know about your state.......... but here in Illinois, you can go to "traffic school" to get the ticket removed from your record. You pay a fee and spend 4 or 8 hours( depending on what kind of ticket) in a simple rules of the road class. then you are on probation for that ticket for a few months.

Bob the Fool :blink:



Are you sure about that? In Virginia the POINTS come off but not the violation. :blink:
Adam: I'd pay the ticket and be glad you weren't caught in the middle of a set of train tracks. Similar mistake, but deadly instead of costly.

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I have a sister-in-law that is a cop and contrary to our opinion you can beat the red light cameras in court by having them show you when the 4 second amber delay was last calibrated at the intersection. The other way to beat a speeding ticket is to postpone the trial 3 times and the officer usually can't be there and it will get thrown out of court. Hope this helps
"I have a sister-in-law that is a cop and contrary to our opinion you can beat the red light cameras in court by having them show you when the 4 second amber delay was last calibrated at the intersection."

That doesn't cut it anymore in Virginia (& many other states) since they've gone to all electronic signaling using LED lights, autocalibration & such. My cop friend told me this is one of those "angles" people try which usually just pisses off the judge resulting in a bigger fine.

"The other way to beat a speeding ticket is to postpone the trial 3 times and the officer usually can't be there and it will get thrown out of court. Hope this helps"

Wrong. Most states will only allow ONE continuance (IF any & it's at the judge's discrection) of a traffic case then they will try you in your absence if you don't show & then issue a bench warrant for failure to appear. Not to mention it's YOUR tax dollars that will be paying for that continuance as it further chokes an already overburdened judicual system.

It amazes me how many people can't just have the balls to admit they F'd up & be accountable for their actions instead of trying to find ways to lie & cheat the system. Just another shining example of why this country is getting so screwed up, no responsiblity or accountability. :angry:
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Probably not true, but nonetheless funny:

A guy returns from work, and when checking his mail finds an envelope from the State with a picture of his car with license plate, the intersection, and a radar printout showing him doing twenty miles over the posted speed limit complete with time, date, etc. from one of the newer automated unmanned speedtraps. Also inside is a ticket for the offense and instructions for returning the eighty dollar fine.

Not to be outdone, he takes a "picture" of four twenty dollar bills, puts the picture in the return envelope with the ticket and returns it to the State.

A few days later he gets another envelope from the State with a "picture" of handcuffs.

He then paid the fine.
ahh man thats gunna be a tough one to defend because you dont have proof. But Don F. is right that you can defend yourself by asking when it was last calibrated.

Good luck with that and I hope it goes in your favor!

LH7018, nice story :lol:

Phil <_< :angry: :blink:
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I live in NY and around here that is quite common! i have gotten them before thinking that i can make the light, and just as i am 10ft away it goes red the camera flashes and thats is, usualy it only took about a week to get my love note from them.

Read the letter that came with it. on mine i was going to fight it but since they cant proove who was driving the car only that the car that is registered to you was cought in a violation, there are no points! just pay it and it goes away. it is only to make $.

hope this helped ya?
Thanks for the imput boys. Here is a little more info: I am not out to beat the red light camera. I f'd up while not paying attention. I am not going to fight that one and just pay the fine. The speeding ticket was for 91 in a 70 zone. Here in CA 20 over the limmit is still eligable for traffic school. 21 is not. Traffic school would erase the point from my reccord making the insurance co. obvlious to the infraction. Also I was not in a group of cars but the officer stated that I was in a pack that was "traveling over 80." There was a group comming up to me while I WAS exceeding the speed limit by maybe 9mph. That is wrong an I should get cited for 79, not 91. I was in the fast lane when the cars approaching me slowed and got into the right lane. Figuring that there was a po-po comming I too moved over and slowed to 74 ish. The last car moved away from the left lane and here comes smokey. He hauled up to me and lighted me up. Over I go. Officer stated that I was on radar at 91 and I balked. I asked to see the radar (as I have heard you are supposed to do) and he said "I didn't lock it in, because I was closing and was monitoring." How did his radar jump those other two or three cars and see mine? Must have been the one that was clocking the 80mph .21 hydros. He didn't "lock it in?" !??!?!? What was his evidence?? He would not even let me out of the car to see any numbers. Then he proceded to tell me that the court will not treat 91 any differently than it would 71-99 (remember 70 zone). Bull_ _ _ _. The fines go up and 21 over is not eligable for traffic school. What was this trooper on? My wanting to get this one dissmissed has more impetus now that I am going to get a point for my red light moving violation. This in my oppinion was a bogus speeding ticket.

pond skimmer that does make me feel a little better. I only hope that the last flash that I saw right in front of my face going :blink: won't match up to my DMV picture. The revenue machine at work...

1.Call one of those ticket specialty places, won't save you any money but might get it reduced. The ones with "garanteed" suscess are best. I have used them in Fl. before and gotten the tickets reduced.

2.Did the "failure to appear" before too, that one was scarey, they wanted me to go to jail,,,, imagine that! :lol: 2 years later and $250 lawyer fee got it dismissed! :lol: The system failed to get me a speedy trial! :ph34r:

3. Move to Australia, the weather is great! B)

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