Hey Andrew,how ya doin??

It's been awhile since I have talked to you.How's Donna and the kids?Well I hope.
I am sure what you say is true but I never really took it that far.To be truthfull I really didn't care and there wasn't anything I could about it if I did.

All I was chasing was the shiney spot on the bottom of the rod and honestly never really gave much attention to the backplate scuffing.
Come to think about it I'm not sure I have ever seen any .21 without some scruffing on the backplate either.
All I know is that when the rod was straightened that little shiney spot on the bottom the rod seemed to grow very faint if not totally disappear on the motors that I tested with.I did purposely bend rods to see if the shiney spot got worse and......it did.
Now bear in mind I only tested with K&B 3.5's[outboard and inboards] so there never wasn't any major deflection pressures[if any

] on the crank or bearings.
When I first started chasing the "shiney spot",it was with a K&B 3.5 outboard.With the PTO disc being hardened,I never saw any scuffing on the PTO disc anyway.Now I as I recall I think maybe I did see scuffing on the K&B Marine 3.5 backplate I tested with but I can't be absolutely positive,that was a long long time ago.
I guess all I am saying here is I have always just assumed that a parallel rod just has to better than one that isn't.Like I said all I was chasing was the shiney spot. :blink:
I guess what has surprised me most,over the years that I have been checking rods,is the quality of the "parallelism" of the rod seems to have nothing to do with the initial cost or manufacturer of the motor.
I sure wouldn't worry about light scuffing on the backplate.I think the rod will get back on the plate every once in a while no matter how straight the rod is.I would just continue to look for a shiney spot on the rod bottom and let it go at that.
I myself wouldn't be putting spacers on the wristpin.I think that would just be a bandaid and not really addressing a cure for the problem if the problem exsists.
I think I would rather just put up with the "shiney spot".
Later guys....