No more pull pull jerk jerk for me!


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Apr 28, 2006
With two bad shoulders and running two gas classes at the Greensboro race last month, I was about ready to give up gas. Came home with lots of pain from pulling that **** cord. But, I found these belt start pulleys on Fleebay and think they will do the trick. Super easy to install too. 24 volts and a Dynatron will do the job, no more abuse to my worn out shoulders. Look out Gas Sport Hydro. Yippee! James Beasley



I personally think they should be outlawed - :huh:

It takes the fun out of watching you Old Farts trying to jerk a limp cord to get it to fire :ph34r: :ph34r:

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Well, I'm only 55 years old, but due to protecting this country in the Army for 31 years my shoulders are worn out. Glad to do it for you so you can be rude and insulting here in a free America. Have a great Memorial Day healthy man from Florida.
Well, I'm only 55 years old, but due to protecting this country in the Army for 31 years my shoulders are worn out. Glad to do it for you so you can be rude and insulting here in a free America. Have a great Memorial Day healthy man from Florida.
dam james, i did not know you were 55,i should be so lucky to look so young if i make it that long.PS, i think drew was only pulling you leg.mike.
Well, I'm only 55 years old, but due to protecting this country in the Army for 31 years my shoulders are worn out. Glad to do it for you so you can be rude and insulting here in a free America. Have a great Memorial Day healthy man from Florida.
Thank you for your service,now give up the Charger keys it needs the dust blown off!
Well, I'm only 55 years old, but due to protecting this country in the Army for 31 years my shoulders are worn out. Glad to do it for you so you can be rude and insulting here in a free America. Have a great Memorial Day healthy man from Florida.
First and foremost- Thank You for your service - Its Truely appreciated.

Secondly - I was jerking your chain- sorta in the same fashion I like watching guys fire gas boats :p


If we ever run boats together- I will gladly pit everything you own for ya- then buy you a beer when we are done and help you pack up, ask anyone that knows me B)

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Thanks to all for the supportive words. Sorry if I over reacted but we service memebers are a bit sensitive on this day during this war. Mr. Mike, as for the 66 Charger keys, it and they are tucked away for a cool fall weekend cruze if I can afford the gas when the time comes (10 mpg but the thump is worth it). Thanks to Dick Loeb for the phone call, he is rough around the edges but always is a stand up guy! LTC James Beasley, signed on the dotted line in 1981, got 2 children, 3 grandchildren, but never had a dog. Gonna get one when I retire. :)
Hey Andy,

Looked like you were trying to "Deep Throat" the LTC's foot. He's much more subtle that this old retired Navy Mustang Officer would be.

You have nothing to apologize for James. Just Andy letting his Alligator mouth overload his hummingbird ass.

CHEERS !!! Bob
Hey Andy,

Looked like you were trying to "Deep Throat" the LTC's foot. He's much more subtle that this old retired Navy Mustang Officer would be.

You have nothing to apologize for James. Just Andy letting his Alligator mouth overload his hummingbird ass.

CHEERS !!! Bob
Pretty much - Its was in NO WAY meant in disrespect- know that :mellow:

I sent James a pm -

I now owe him a few beers/a ton of pit help and a pile of crow in Chuckytown B)

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Never mind - I tried

Jerk away Johnny boy :rolleyes:

Sorry for the sidetrack Mr.Beasley.
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Drew, no worries man.

Mr. Beasley now knows you didnt mean anything by it. So dont sweat it brother.