Newer Scale Hulls


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Mike McKnight

Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2005
So, I've been wondering this for some time. How many scale boaters are actually interested in building some of the more current Unlimited boats? Reason I ask is that I have had conversations with several people that are developing T5 and T6 molds. Most of the newer real boats are based off of some variation of the T5 and T6, except for the new U10 which actually the T3 but still close a T5 and the U13 which was rebuilt and now resembles the T5.

Some people have told me that they have been aprehensive to build some of the newer boats because there hasn't been a builder that was willing to build accurate versions of these boats. Others have said that finding the decals are too difficult....well I'm working on that I already have 5 sets for 2006 boats. It's just that the hulls really aren't there. So, if these hulls were available would you be interested?

I spoke with one builder that is in the advanced stages of a T6 hull and I've ordered one of the first ones to come out of the molds.
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So, I've been wondering this for some time. How many scale boaters are actually interested in building some of the more current Unlimited boats? Reason I ask is that I have had conversations with several people that are developing T5 and T6 molds. Most of the newer real boats are based off of some variation of the T5 and T6, except for the new U10 which actually the T3 but still close a T5 and the U13 which was rebuilt and now resembles the T5.

Some people have told me that they have been aprehensive to build some of the newer boats because there hasn't been a builder that was willing to build accurate versions of these boats. Others have said that finding the decals are too difficult....well I'm working on that I already have 5 sets for 2006 boats. It's just that the hulls really aren't there. So, if these hulls were available would you be interested?

I spoke with one builder that is in the advanced stages of a T6 hull and I've ordered one of the first ones to come out of the molds.
Yes we would like that very much thank you chuck
There is a builder of Glass hulls that has had a T5 available for sale for 4-5 years already. It is difficult to change a glass hull to some of the newest renditions, but it can be done, and it is the 2006 Scale IMPBA US-1 winning hull!

There is a builder of Glass hulls that has had a T5 available for sale for 4-5 years already. It is difficult to change a glass hull to some of the newest renditions, but it can be done, and it is the 2006 Scale IMPBA US-1 winning hull!

Brian Who won the US-1 title and what kind of hull was he running? thanks chuck
I know of the T5 hull you are talking about Brian and there is a problem with trying to make any of the current boats with it. It has an offset cockpit and tub and the newer boats do not. Also, a couple of the newer boats are more like the T6 which has some (I think) major differences that most are not willing to try and tackle making the changes. For instance, if you wanted to make the recent boats like the U-7 FORMULABOATS.COM (which is the T6) the afterplane decks, non-trips and airtrap are very different than the T5. I kind of like the U7 since it will be carrying the U1 next year and would like the build that boat at some point.
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I'm intrested in building one of the newer boats aswell, and finding it hard to find plans or a hull. Any help?

Joe Nagy
Yeah,Good post.I am looking for a turbine boat build for this winter for FE.PT has some nice older hulls that all in all would be a less complicated build with out all of the appendages such as scoops and tail feathers but I just really love the turbine hulls.And electric power realy accentuates that turbine feel.

I would love to build a present day model but would be equally happy doing up the T Plus.What worries me about that hull is that I have heard that the vented hulls are hard to get to turn smoothly or with out dropping the transom.

Are there any other companys out there that one could just call and order a hull and have it show up in a couple of weeks with out any problems ?

Phils customer service and rapid delivery is a benchmark in the 8th scale Bussines in my opinion but I have already built a PT T5 and the Winston lobster boat would be a tuff fe conversion because of the lack of room.So as a turbine fan I am definately interested in a challanging build but it seems as though just getting all of the parts and peices to a hull together is the hardest part.

Its led me to a point of frustration I tell yah !!!!
Ok next question. Based upon the replies here and the PMs I've gotten. Would you like the option to have your hulls available in various stages of completion? For instance CMDI maked their outrigger boats available in various stages of completion and they are priced differently according to the stage of completion. So if you are fairly good af glass work and wouldn't mind a little extra assembly for a cheaper price is that something that would appeal to you?

I'm being the sacrificial lamb here doing some R&D for the builders that are working on this.
I would like to get a glass hull, simular to a Phill T or S Muck hull and finish them from there.

Joe Nagy
I guess that would depend on the acuracy of the hull.For instance The PT T5 makes a beautifull Llumar but you have to cut and rework the rear of the deck to build in that wing shaped trailing edge.The more inacurate the hull is the less prebuilt one would want.

Any ideas on a the 92 black and yellow vented hull Tplus ??I saw some one making a mold of one on here and posting pictures for opinions.I still say that along with this NEW builder we should have a venders list of were to get cowels,windshelds canards,tail feathers and such.I feel if finding all of this stuff wasnt so difficult that there would be more 8th scales out there nitr or FE.I am willing to help were I can as I am a huge 8th scale fan.Dennis
Actually I'm going to launch a new website here in a month or so dedicated to nothing but Scale Boats. Info for builders, drivers, dummy engines, hardware.....all kinds of stuff. I'm still compiling info.
Actually I'm going to launch a new website here in a month or so dedicated to nothing but Scale Boats. Info for builders, drivers, dummy engines, hardware.....all kinds of stuff. I'm still compiling info.
This is a great idea Mike,The only worry I have is if we the scale guys order parts,boats whatever else that is available is the time frames for these parts.Cause let me tell you this waiting years for boats is just not right for the money we shell over to some of these people.But anything to help out in this class of boats is great.As for the T-Plus someone mentioned that is my hull.Not my design though .And no I'm not making molds for it since it is not my design I will not splash someone else's boats. I'm no glassman by no means.But yes there are problems with the two wing design she doesn't corner very well.yes the transom does fall in the turns and fumbles but with some patients and far knowledge you can get them running perfect.My exide is looking up now with the help of Dick Tyndall's turn fin.Alittle off topic and long winded but yeah this idea of helping out for the scale builders in mind is just awsome Mike.later shann
Mike I'am very interested on the newer hulls,,, want to know who can build the Hull for the formula boat driven by mike allen,,,, must race a scale that is driven by a person with MY name,,,any suggestions!!!!!! :D

I plan to provide all the info I can for scales on this upcoming website but not much I can do about delivery times of hulls and parts. The only thing I can tell you about that is I am finding myself in that situation that some of the builders do as well and that is that the scale stuff is not their full-time business and it's tough to get stuff out in a timely manner sometimes. I've had a few people mad at me for taking a while to get their graphics done but I at least try to give them some extra decals for waiting. Problem is I get really busy with commercial jobs sometimes and the boat stuff goes on the back burner from time to time. Most of the builders have day jobs or businesses too and they don't get stuff out as fast you or they would like. I know I feel bad when I take a few weeks getting boat graphics out. This time of year for instance I'm slammed with political signage and trust me I'd rather do boat graphics. November can't get here fast enough.


The boat that Mike Allen drives is the FORMULABOATS.COM II and actually is the T6. I know there are at least 2 builders working on that one. One is further along than the other and hopefully will be ready to make an announcement about it soon. I talked to a couple of the FORMULA crew in San Diego and they actually think the U-7(T6) is faster than the U5(T5). Either way there will be a red boat with the U1 again next year. I personally like the airtrap design on the T6 better. The T3(U10), T4(U37) and the T5(U5) have a deeper airtrap that has a bit of a camber to it and then it breaks to flat about 6 feet before the transom. The T6 is shallower in the airtrap and is almost straight from ram wing to transom. It would stand to reason that it wouldn't pack as much air under the boat as most of the other hulls. The decks are also a little different too I assume to give better downforce.
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mike let me know who you recomend to build that boat would like very much to run it here in dist 3 see you in seattle