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Joe Shmittlez Jr

Greetings happy boaters,

Joe Shmittlez Jr here!

I decided to try a new boat, my Kyosho seems to be just made of problems.

the boat i am building is hand-carved from a birchwood log, about 3 feet long and 10 inches wide. for power, i have purchased a pair of Kalistratov K-90 nitro engines. they have not arrived yet but i am excited to see how they will work.i plan to make the boat able to go both ways by having each engine power a propellor on either end of the boat. the power train that i have selected is a 1/8" flexshaft for each one, with some dumas propellors made of sturdy plastic. will the flexshaft work okay on its own or will it need to be encased inside of a tube. if it needs a tube, will a standard drinking straw from McDonalds work alright? also, what should be used for a fuel tank? do these engines have push-button starting? i did not see a pull starter in the picture.

sincere thanks,

Joe Shmittlez Jr.
LMAO :lol:

Now that has to go on ebay! :lol: :lol: :lol: Don't forget the 200mph part either B)

You Kyosho drama's might be best approached on the electric forum ;) Mostly 2 stroke fans here!
I see this guy has no clue ... One of you guys that run .90 motors should let him in on just what he bought. 1/8" cables and plastic props . and no stuffing tubes or just straws form Mc's not a clue....
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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: LMAO

no more please i can't stop laughing :lol: :lol: :lol:

the straws are lightweight though but that 200mph is over reacting maybe closer to 190mph would be realistic <_<

All joking aside, everyone starts some where. 1st, a 30" hull 10" wide is more suited for a single .21 (3.5cc) nitro engine. a pair of k90's will way over power it, making almost impossible to control.

Where are you from, maybe you can hook up with some people who can help you out so you can learn a bit more about the proper setup of RC boats.
Put a couple of lawn mower tranny's in it, then you can have one puller prop and one pusher prop for even more speed!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Mike G said:
Put a couple of lawn mower tranny's in it, then you can have one puller prop and one pusher prop for even more speed!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Twin K90's would need a lot of fuel - maybe use the tank from Mike's Lawn mower that's missing a tranny!

You could carve the wood to look like a 'gator / croc etc. - that prop on the front would give a nasty bite!
Ron Olson said:
Hey Ferrette, is that you? Wasn't there anything funny on eBay this week?
Nah, not me! :eek: Been busy painting the new scale boat. :D

I still am amused how some of you even bought into the original Kyosho story........ :p :p :p
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Joe, dont go chopping down any trees just yet!!! get with a club in your area to see what type hulls we put K-90's in!! I applaud your ambition!!!! that is quite a jump from an electric to twin K-90's :blink: MARK
Sure was I could get ahold of that guy as I have a new in box water cooled K&B and would love to sell it if I could get that much for it Scott
Hi Guys

I actually feel sorry for the Ebay guy because clearly advice is not getting out thaqt these engines are available again. Because people think that they can't get any - and that is what unscrupulous sellers are telling people - they will pay over the odds just to get ahold of one. All it takes is for people on this board to let others know that they are out there and you don't have to take it up the @$$ if you want one. I think the dealers of these engines should be sending emails to bidders advising them the truth as soon as bidding hit 50-75% of new price. After all these are the people we want in the hobby to race with - how much longer will it take them to get going if everyone selling used gear tries to screw them over? :angry:


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