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Aug 17, 2004
Hi there every body,been reading most of these post for awhile now and just became a member :D I just bought meself a boat of ebay and i was wondering if someone could help me out,the motor is an ops 21cc, the hull, i have not got a clue but it looks the part. Started the boat last night with out any trouble BUT could only get to half throttle before it shuts down almost istantly,there was heaps of oil all over the place,the pipe was full of oil after i removed it .The mix a tried running in it was 62% methanol 18%oil and 20% nitro the fuel was brought allready mixed.i was thinking of mixing my own but im unsure of what mix should i start at, any info here would be great. LUV ALL YOUR BOATS THEY LOOK AWSUM :ph34r: i HOPE TO GET THIS BOAT RUNNING AS QUICK AS THORPY :D :D CHEERS EVERY BODY
The fuel you are running should be fine in the motor you have. It sounds like your engine is set extremely rich. That would be why you have so much oil left in your pipe. I bet you have a lot of blue smoke coming out of the pipe as well. Start leaning it out 1/4 turn at a time until you can run full throttle. You will still be able to lean it out more to go faster, but if you arn't racing, be carefull not to lean it out too much, that is when things start breaking.

Sorry, I can't help you on mixing your own fuel though.
If you have both high and low end needles then, the low end needle could be rich while the high end is to lean. Therefore, a poor transition (running out of fuel). Leave the low where it is now and richen the high end.

Then again the previous could be right on the money.
where are you located? If you are in Sydney contact me and I'll see what I can do for you.

Thanks for the help everybody,couldnt done it with out use,got the boat running [sound"nn] allright ,tomorrow might be the big day.BIt worried bout the size of the dam thou might need a biggen ,I Fnded the sweet spot .Thanks again for your help ,probely will need it again down the track. Tim Ill get in touch with you at some stage soon bit late at the moment ,had a few B) B) THANKS for the replies every body CHEERS

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