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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2005
Hi everyone. 12 years ago I built a boat from Newton's plans that I had blown up 50%. It came in at 66" long. I had a large chainsaw engine in it with a water cooled cylinder that I fabricated myself. It was my first boat and hadn't learned proper building techniques. It was too heavy along with other problems. I've since sold it but kept an interest in the sport. I've just bought a laser cut kit and looking forward to building this one right the first time. If you good folks would be so kind in helping me from time to time it would be greatly appreciated. The kit is a 1/8 scale T6 kit from ML Boatworks. I live in northern Ontario Canada and far away from any clubs. I don't plan on following any clubs rules as to scale or engine size or anything like that. I want a good reliable boat that I can run on the weekend just for fun. So the first of many questions is...What engine are you all running. I was looking at a rear exhaust RCMK or a 11cc nitro. I'm leaning towards the RCMK but can't find any info on this one. Remember that I want something reliable and inexpensive to run. I know these engines come in at roughly $500. I've read quite a bit on this site but a lot of building tips are second nature to you but not to me. If you could point me in the right direction I would appreciate this.

thanks for now

Hi everyone. 12 years ago I built a boat from Newton's plans that I had blown up 50%. It came in at 66" long. I had a large chainsaw engine in it with a water cooled cylinder that I fabricated myself. It was my first boat and hadn't learned proper building techniques. It was too heavy along with other problems. I've since sold it but kept an interest in the sport. I've just bought a laser cut kit and looking forward to building this one right the first time. If you good folks would be so kind in helping me from time to time it would be greatly appreciated. The kit is a 1/8 scale T6 kit from ML Boatworks. I live in northern Ontario Canada and far away from any clubs. I don't plan on following any clubs rules as to scale or engine size or anything like that. I want a good reliable boat that I can run on the weekend just for fun. So the first of many questions is...What engine are you all running. I was looking at a rear exhaust RCMK or a 11cc nitro. I'm leaning towards the RCMK but can't find any info on this one. Remember that I want something reliable and inexpensive to run. I know these engines come in at roughly $500. I've read quite a bit on this site but a lot of building tips are second nature to you but not to me. If you could point me in the right direction I would appreciate this.

thanks for now

Stick a CMB 67 Greenhead nitro motor in it, use slow set epoxy as much as possible for strength when building,....and keep askin questions as you go along, as someone here will help you out any way they can.....take your time and build it right the first time, and ENJOY! :)
Thanks for the quick reply Bill. I really do appreciate the help. Can I ask you why you recommend the CMB nitro? I've never had a nitro toy before and I'm a bit intimidated by the cost of fuel and other stuff needed to run this engine. The rear exhaust RCMK as a pull start for one and doesn't need special fuel to run!! Remember I'm not out to set any speed record.


I would stay away from the nitro if your just running for fun.The rcmk you can contact Bruce at gizmomotors hes a great guy.Im not sure what kit you bought some are for nitro some are for gas.So with that being said you need to buy the proper motor for the hull your buildiing.The rear exhaust gas motors would be the cheapest way to go as far as plugs and fuel.They both cost about the same by the time you buy all the mounts pipe and collet and motor.Dont know if you have the starter glow plug ignitor for the nitro if not theres a savings also.No need for that stuff with gas.Also the nitro will need a extra servo and mixing needle to make it more user freandly.
Kind of hard to fit the RCMK motors in a 1/8 scale hull, that is why we started the "Gas Scale Hydro Class" (20% larger than the 1/8 scale hulls) .. 11cc nitro is common in the 1/8 scale hulls but can be very finicky to run- Have you considered electric, the new electric set-ups can be faster and more reliable than the fuel motors
Talk to Mike at ML BOAT WORKS he can steer you in the right direction but a gas engine will be to heavy for proper CG in a 1/8 scale build. A67 greenhead,or electric is the way to go. IMO
Norm, if you read the other posts, thats kinda why i suggested a nitro motor...thats what that hull is designed for...if you want to go with a gas motor, thats perfectly fine,but you need to find a hull designed for a gas motor, or things can become somewhat complicated in several areas of the build!
thanks for the great info guys...I guess I'll have to explore different options. Can you point me toward some reading material for electric?

Pick your poison Nitro or Gas but for some of you to say Nitro is finicky is just saying you aren't akin to making Nitro run so you go the easy way and run a motor that is similar to your lawn equipment.

I was just at the lake yesterday I ran a total of 10 tanks of fuel thru 3 boats and only had to retrieve my 1/8th Scale boat once and that was due to a poor launch. The pick up boat was out many times with only Gas boats in it. Saw gas boats launched and not even make a lap several times before they died and had to be picked up.

You have a boat designed for Nitro to put a Gas motor in it would be a disaster!
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Thanks for the help guys. I've just e-mailed ML boatworks for the 20% larger kit. Now I just hope to find a cowl and wings to fit.
Thanks for the help guys. I've just e-mailed ML boatworks for the 20% larger kit. Now I just hope to find a cowl and wings to fit.
What boat are you building? Id consider making a side exhaust Zenoah fit under the cowl. $210 half the price and more durable. If you are just playin it dont have to be perfect...
I was considering the Rear exhaust RCMK for $296 or side exhaust for $251. Are zenoahs more durable then RCMKs? I'm building a T6
I was considering the Rear exhaust RCMK for $296 or side exhaust for $251. Are zenoahs more durable then RCMKs? I'm building a T6
You will get lots of answers on this one both are good. In my opinion a side exhaust will be less susceptible to water ingestion and lots of used motors are around.
Pick your poison Nitro or Gas but for some of you to say Nitro is finicky is just saying you aren't akin to making Nitro run so you go the easy way and run a motor that is similar to your lawn equipment.

I was just at the lake yesterday I ran a total of 10 tanks of fuel thru 3 boats and only had to retrieve my 1/8th Scale boat once and that was due to a poor launch. The pick up boat was out many times with only Gas boats in it. Saw gas boats launched and not even make a lap several times before they died and had to be picked up.

You have a boat designed for Nitro to put a Gas motor in it would be a disaster!
Hi Ron- Please don't misunderstand me when I say Nitro is finicky- IT IS compared to other power sources..... I do believe that running NITRO powered boats and doing it well is the most rewarding accomplishment you can have in this hobby/sport.... But I was answering a question from a new boater that is just getting started. I have seen many boaters buy all the right stuff - ask all the right questions and end up spending most of their time in the chase boat and quiting because they did not have someone working with them at the pond. I was trying to point a NEW Boater in a direction that won't cause the frustration that NITRO can to someone that does not have a local club full of boaters to help him out at the pond when things don't go right...

BTW: I have no problem making my NITRO boats run. I also enjoy the Gas boats and have seen the Electrics become very popular in the Northwest and is also why we run all power sources at the NW Scale Championship race in Seattle ....

Marty Shallenberger

NAMBA National Scale Director
Luckily, We got everything straight with what Norm was planning before I ordered the kit to be cut as an 1/8th scale! I am going go ahead and do the 20% upscale on the T6 kit so in the near future, it will be available for everyone. I have a few other GAS scales that have to be done as well, ie: Smokin Joes, 8806 Tide, T6, and the 108 (73 pak, Olympia Beer, etc.) planned for the very near future. Just had to get caught up with my 1/8th scale stuff first! Mike, ML Boatworks

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