You better tell all the SAW record holders that one including Kentley Porter and Andy Brown. I did Kentley's props for his 99.9 mph 20 hydro. I guess if I has given them a high polish he would have hit over 100!
The extensive testing I did showed absolutely no performance gains with the high polishing. It often showed the same speed or a loss of speed.
Andy Brown told me he found the same thing. In the world of physics it doesn't make sence however in the real world of nitro r/c boating, it appears high polish is not the way to go for a 25,000+ rpm prop. They do look nice though and I'm sure a lot of customers really that.
We all know that no 2 props are exactly alike. Polishing a prop changes the shape of the prop. Comparing a polished prop to a satin finished prop is not a true test unless you run it as a satin prop, measure it at every point, polish it and put it back to the same exact shape it was before you polished it.
It is my opinion that gas props would benefit from a high polish. The only reason I say this is because the REAL hydroplanes use high polished props and they do not turn such high RMP's like our nitro toys . I'm not into gas boats and never had the chance to do some serious testing to confirm my theory.
When I first started making custom ready to run props, I gave them all a high polished finish. Racers told me the props were too nice to run and belonged in a jewellery case. Andy Brown then told me about the satin finish props he used and the testing he conducted. I did my own testing and found that a satin finish (in nitro props) was the way to go. When a guy like Andy Brown gives you a speed secret, you listen. 120 MPH doesn't come with out some knowledge.