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New Member
Oct 9, 2006
Hello all, well my first post here. I have been out of the r/c world for a very long time. My son is now 11 and is starting to show a growing interest for r/c’s. One of the things that has disappointed me is that it seems most r/c’s these days are all RTR or almost RTR kits. Some of my best memories as a kid was building something and the satisfaction and appreciation of what was accomplished. Far too many easy outs now a days IMO.

With that being said, what better way for my son and I to have good times together than taking on some boat projects. I used to have some scales years ago. I figure we would start with an easy to put together kit. The Whiplash 20 looks like a great start and I have read some good things here. Give him an introduction to building and I can relearn to drive and he can learn to drive.

So excuse me now for any noob questions or comments I/we may make.

Welcome back to the hobby Rob. While it's true that RTR and almost RTR makes up the majority of the offerings you will see in the mainstream hobby outlets, there are still plenty of options for those who want to handle more of the build. As you've already discovered, the Whiplash is one example. If you want scale hydros, Roger Newton has an amazing inventory of plans:
Welcome back to the hobby Rob. While it's true that RTR and almost RTR makes up the majority of the offerings you will see in the mainstream hobby outlets, there are still plenty of options for those who want to handle more of the build. As you've already discovered, the Whiplash is one example. If you want scale hydros, Roger Newton has an amazing inventory of plans:
The WHJPLASH stuff is great id start there,too bad you cant get hold of a VILLIAN kit same deal awesome boat and good for building yourself. Dont forget the glass boats SEADUCER monos Phil Thomas hulls lotts of entry level and many more ive not touched on. Ask away and welcome.....Mikey

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